New Additions Made Recently:

REMINDER: If sending me scans of stamps, PLEASE be sure to scan at 1200 dpi!

Anything less than 1200dpi is just not good enough, while anything much more than 1800 dpi is overkill.

*It also helps tremendously, if, when naming your scans, you begin with your LAST NAME, so I don't forget who submitted the item.*

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Return to Listings Page


I know it has been some time now since I added anything to my website, but I have been preoccupied with taking care of my beloved wife, Lois. I am afraid it is likely going to be even longer before I can get back to it, because the love of my life for the past 47 years passed away suddenly on Monday. I am not going to go into details here, but needless to say I am completely and utterly devastated. - July 29, 2021



Added a SECOND copy of THE Major Misplaced Entry on the 2¢ Edward from 86UL93 - March 20, 2021

Added a couple more scans to my Want List - February 10, 2021

Dear Followers: I am ashamed to say that I owe SOOOOOOOOOOO many people my heartfelt apologiies.....My iMac’s computer Desktop is absolutely loaded with file folders, most of which are full of scans of stamps (and other folders) that have been sent to me for opinions and use on this website. While browsing around this afternoon, I happened to click on one that was in a rather out-of-the-way place and discovered to my horror that it was loaded with literally hundreds / perhaps thousands of scans of marvelous re-entries that SHOULD have been posted ages ago!!! (Almost 6GBs!) There are far too many people to name individually, but Earl Noss is one that stood out over and over again, among others. I can’t tell you how very badly I feel knowing that so many took the time to write to me and submit scans to me only to find nothing was done with them! And there are multitudes of scans with no names attached, so I have no idea who sent them! (As I mentioned near the top of this page, it is always SO helpful to include at least your last name on each and every scan!) As if I didn’t already feel swamped by all the material I still have sitting here on my desk to scan and post, now I am feeling completely overwhelmed!!! I hope you can all forgive me! - February 4, 2021

Added another example of a dropped transfer roll on the 2¢ Edward Scott #90. Scroll down to stamp #19 - December 26, 2020

Added a beautiful proof sheet pair on card of NFLD Scott #33, pp55, the major misplaced entry - December 25, 2020

Added a plate position for my 5¢ blue Admiral, my #10, thanks to Bill Burden - December 24, 2020

Added the third re-entry (1L67) on the 8¢ Numeral listed by Peter Spencer in his latest work, ORANGE ZEST: The Canada Eight Cent 1898 Numeral Issue, Published by BNAPS in 2020 - December 15, 2020

Updated my four Major Re-entries on the 6¢ Small Queen, A24, B87, C7 & C81, with larger more detailed scans - December 15, 2020

Added another lovely copy of Scott #43, 6¢ Small Queen, pp B85 - December 14, 2020

Added three more copies of Scott #111, 5¢ Admiral blue. Two re-entries and one with interesting marks - December 14, 2020

Added another image to MY WANT LIST - (PLEASE Contact me if you have one to spare. Include asking price.) - December 12, 2020

Added several more 5¢ Numerals, as well as descriptions for all of those previously posted ones that had none - December 12, 2020

Added a new re-entry on the 8¢ Numeral, Scott #82 from pp1L02, Courtesy of Peter Spencer - December 10, 2020

Added a second copy of a nice little re-entry on Scott # MR4, proving constancy - scroll down to #15 (this copy has perfins) - December 10, 2020

Added a ne image to my WANT LIST page - December 10, 2020

I am very proud to announce that this website has been awarded a LARGE VERMEIL in the CHICAGOPEX 2020 Literature Exhibition - November 26, 2020

Added a new page for the Cayman Islands, and a minor re-entry on Scott #105 - November 20, 2020

Added a new page for Baroda, a city in India now known as Vadodara. Peter Spencer has written a book called, “WATERLOW’S CLASSIC BARODA: A PLATING STUDY”, that illustrates a number of lovely re-entries - November 13, 2020

Added an odd 5¢ Numeral with 4 large dots in the right numeral box. (Scroll down to stamp #15.) I was unable to plate this one using Peter Spencer’s incredible two books on this stamp. - November 7, 2020

Added another 6¢ Large Queen with what may be another dropped transfer roll. Scroll down to stamp #9 - NOvember 7, 2020

Added another subtle major re-entry on the 2¢ Small Queen. Scroll down to stamp #5 - November 7, 2020

Added another possible dropped transfer roll to my Edward VII Misplaced Entry page, showing a partial line 5.2mm up from the bottom of the design. Scroll down to #18 - November 7, 2020

Added another Scott #111 5¢ Admiral subtle re-entry from 4UL71 - Scroll down to stamp 8 - November 6, 2020

Added another nice copy of the major re-entry on the 5¢ blue Admiral, Scott #111, and moved #8 up to #4, which I just realized is the same major - November 5, 2020

Added my first page of my new organization of my USA stamps. I have divided up my very long page of USA double transfers into 20 separate pages, to make it easier to find specific eras or grouping by Scott numberss. They have all been visible on my LISTINGS page for some time now, but only those with active links are working at this time. It is going to take a considerable amount of time and work to get them all sorted out, at which time I will remove the single USA page. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Started a new page for the Ionian Islands with one of the two re-entry plate positions on Scott #1, #2 and #3 - November 5, 2020

Started a new page for St. Lucia with a major misplaced entry on Scott #1 - November 5, 2020

Added a copy of St. Helena Scott #1 with the major misplaced entry - November 5, 2020

Finally have a USA 3¢ Columbian Scott 232 to report. It is a lovely example of a Dropped Transfer Roll, Courtesy of Scott Treacey of Cavendish Auctions - October 28, 2020

       Any Columbian page om my Listings page that does not show a link means I do not have any scans to show for that issue as yet. Please help if you have any you would like to share (1200dpi please).

Added a ‘faux’ copy of a major double transfer on USA Scott #2, the July 1, 1847 TEN CENTS Washington, on cover from pp 2R1 (HELP requested!) Scroll down below the Bison DTs - October 24, 2020

Added a surprising 20¢ Jubilee re-entry that does not appear on my 1200dpi scan of a full proof sheet of 50! Scroll down to #8. Courtesy of Peter Logan - October 20, 2020

Added a second copy of the incredible Sideways Entry on Mexico Scott #151, including its plate position, Courtesy of Jose Rion - October 19, 2020

Added a corner block of 4 of the Sc. #199 major re-entry in an imperf horizontal block of 4, making it 199ai, a very rare piece, Courtesy of Maxime Stephanie Harold - October 19, 2020

Added 3 new re-entries on KUT (Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyica) Scott #50, Courtesy of Robert Crabtree of the UK - October 19, 2020

COLLECT USA STAMPS? Belong to the American Philatelic Society? I have been a member since 1975 and thoroughly enjoy their monthly journals, The American Philatelist! If you are interested in becoming a member, I will be happy to sponsor you!

        Whether you are a beginning collector or have collected for years, we welcome you to join the American Philatelic Society and discover the many benefits of membership. Join now. If you sign up before the end of the year, you will be eligible to win a Life  Membership!

Added a beautiful major misplaced entry of 0.8mm on a Mexican Air Mail Issue, C9 & C35 (Scroll down to the second last item) - September 26, 2020

Added a full stamp scan of  Scott #104, pp10LL91 (Scroll to #9) - September 24, 2020

Added two 5¢ blue Admirals, one a possible re-entry (scroll to #7) and a major (Scroll to #8) - September 22, 2020

Added a misplaced entry on the 1¢ Admiral, 12UR40, on a postcard (Scroll to #31) - September 22, 2020

Added a major on the 3¢ Numeral in the upper portion. (Scroll to #3) - September 22, 2020

Added a major re-entry on Admiral War Tax MR4 ( Scroll to #17) - September 22, 2020

Added a full stamp scan of THE Major Misplaced Entry on Scott #79 from pp1R13, Courtesy of Peter Spencer - September 21, 2020

Added 10 new enlargements and close-ups of Scott #79 re-entries - September 21, 2020


I am extremely proud and honoured to announce that I have been elected to the Order of The Beaver, Lifetime Achievement Award, by The British North America Philatelic Society. Please see the details below:

Added another major re-entry on a One Shilling from South Australia, Courtesy of Earl Noss - August 19, 2020

Added another sharp double transfer on USA Scott #610, HARDING, which is on a cover. It is the stamp on the left - August 19, 2020

Added a beautiful major double transfer on USA Sc. 281 5¢ Blue, Ulysses S. Grant - Courtesy of Joe Skidmore - August 18, 2020

Added two new TERMS to my Terminology page with illustrations - INVERTED ENTRY  and  DOUBLE STRIKE - August 18, 2020

Added a new page for Victoria - August 18, 2020

 Added a plate proof vertical block on card of 6 of the 2¢ Maple Leaf, showing the 3 major misplaced entries in pp1, 11, 21 and a major re-entry in pp2, and replaced my previous images with better close-ups - August 17, 2020

Added FIVE more copies of THE Major Re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral, pp12LR35, INCLUDING two Precancelled copies (Courtesy of David Marasco) - August 17, 2020

                        I’m thinking of moving all 13 of THE MAJORS to their own page, to save you a lot of scrolling! Any comments?

Updated my WHO AM I? page, also called BACKGROUND INFORMATION - August 15, 2020

My latest acquisition arrived in today's mail…my fourth pane of 100 of the half cent SQ. Now I have three right panes and one left. This is another right.  I 'thought' I had a first state (of a possible 4) of the plate with one of my other right panes, but I believe this one is even EARLIER! Not only does this pane not have any of the three main major re-entries (# 49, 96 and 98), but it also does not have the other major one in pp10, which my other 'early' pane does have, while missing the other three! Needless to say, I am REALLY happy about that!!! - August 6, 2020

Hello All! Thank you for all the emails over the past seven months or so. I am planning to begin adding new content over the next week or so. My wife has made steady progress in her recovery, though still not back to normal. I hope all of you are surviving the Covid-19 pandemic safely! Very best wishes to all for your kind enquiries and well wishes! They are all extremely appreciated!

Please give me some time to catch up on a huge backlog of email and material I have to post before swamping me with more images and questions Thank you! - July 28, 2020


Between December 30, 2019 and February 7, 2020, my beloved wife, Lois, spent 37 days in hospital with a very serious condition. She has since come home, but still has a difficult recovery ahead of her. As I am yet unprepared to spend time on, I ask for your co-operation in holding off on any submissions that require my time and attention for at least another month or more.

My thanks to those of you who have enquired about our health, and that you understand my wife comes before anything else.

February 17, 2020

Updated my Literature - A Bibliography page - December 20, 2019

Added four interesting double transfers on USA coils from 1983 + 84. Scroll down to Stamp #20-23. - November 22, 2019

AN APOLOGY: My absence due to my broken hip/femur in January and problems prior to and following that have caused my IN BOX to swell to more than 500+ emails, several hundreds of which are in regard to re-entries from users of this site. The number is overwhelming and I think I would be even more stressed out if I still tried to respond to each one of them. I would have no time to add more material to the site or re-do a number of badly needed pages. So, if you don’t mind, I am going to get rid of those and would greatly appreciate it if anyone who sent something to me and never received a reply, if you would kindly RE-SEND it and I’ll try to get to it as soon as I am able. If you sent something just to show me and don’t really require a reply, then please don’t send it again. I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience this may cause many of you, but please remember that this is all a one-person job/hobby and there are only so many hours in a day. Many thanks for your co-operation, and my sincere apologies for keeping so many of you waiting to hear back from me. (And please remember not to send me a mass of images and questions at once. Please wait until you receive a reply to one before sending another.)

Added 3 new re-entries on Scott #211, the 1¢ Princess Elizabeth - A nice misplaced entry, and two more regular re-entries. Scroll down to stamp #4-1 - October 15, 2019

Added the driest example of a dry print I have seen to date on a 3¢ SQ - Courtesy of John Phillips - October 10, 2019

Added a full stamp scan of my ‘Almost’ Misplaced Entry on the 1¢ Numeral, stamp #5 pp9R44 - Courtesy of Peter Spencer - October 9, 2019

I am exceedingly proud to announce that this website, RE-ENTRIES.COM, has been awarded a GOLD MEDAL with FELICITATIONS and BEST IN CLASS by the 16TH NATIONAL NEW ZEALAND PHILATELIC LITERATURE EXHIBITION 2019

 Added another very odd misplaced entry / dropped transfer roll on a 1¢ Numeral (scroll down to #11) - October 1, 2019

Added a third re-entry of the ONE PENNY overprint on the SIX PENCE St. Helena - September 27, 2019

Added yet another copy of the 5¢ on 6¢ SQ from B25 that is a dead match for my ‘twins’ posted earlier!!! They’re TRIPLETS!!! - September 27, 2019

Added a nice re-entry on the 2¢ green Admiral, pp185LL85 (see #6), Courtesy of Jim André - September 27, 2019

Added a sharp major re-entry on the 5¢ blue Admiral (see #6), Courtesy of AndréRondeau - September 27, 2019

Added a spectacular major misplaced entry on the 2¢ Edward (see #17), Courtesy of W.G. Burden - September 27, 2019

Added a significant misplaced entry on the 1¢ Admiral (see #31), Courtesy of W.G. Burden - September 27, 2019

Added a nice misplaced entry / dropped transfer roll on the 1¢ Numeral (scroll down to #10) taken from a plate proof sheet in the Archives in Ottawa many years ago - September 26, 2019

Added a full stamp scan the major re-entry #44 of the 1¢ Numeral - September 25, 2019

Added a nice mint block of four of the 6¢ SQ containing the minor 5¢ on 6¢ from pp C100 - September 24, 2018

Added 22 more 2¢ Small Queens - majors, possible misplaced entries or dropped rolls, and even a very nice plate flaw - September 19, 2019

Added a few larger scans on the 17¢ Decimal page - September 17, 2019

Added another re-entry on the 3¢ Jubilee (scroll down to #9), Courtesy of Sylvain Maltais - August 15, 2019

Added another nice major re-entry on the Map Stamp, this time in an imperf strip of three! - August 14, 2019

Added a new Major Misplaced Entry on Newfoundland #1, scroll down to #3 - August 14, 2019

Added a “TWIN” to my “Worst copy ever” of the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen! - August 14, 2019

Added a very interesting copy of the 2¢ SQ lower Latent Entry - August 14, 2019

Added two more copies of the Major Re-entry on the 2¢ green Admiral, Courtesy of Rob Taylor - August 14, 2019

Added another 2¢ Admiral #106 major re-entry, page 2, #36 - August 14, 2019

My apologies for the lack of new material since mid-January, but as some of you know, I fell and broke my hip (upper left femur, actually) on January 24th and spent 22 days in hospital. I am still in the recovery stages of healing and getting back to ‘normal’ so my thoughts haven’t exactly been on keeping up with my website. Things are progressing slowly, but hopefully I’ll get more stuff posted before too long. I have one item in particular that I am anxious for you to see. - March 28, 2019

Enlarged 52 of my 1¢ Numeral Re-entries, including Misplaced and Majors scans, to better show the details - January 15, 2019

Added a second copy of Sc 43 Major Re-entry B95 (scroll down to stamp #16) - January 9, 2019

Added another nice major re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral, Courtesy of Bow City Philatelics Ltd. Scroll down to stamp #42 - January 1, 2019


Replaced all 100 12” images of Nfld 5¢ Harp Seal (Scott #25, 26 & 40) with larger 15” images for easier viewing of details and better clarity - December 28, 2018

The Most Extraordinary Variety on the Entire Admiral Issue has come to Light!!! You have to see it to believe it!!! - December 14, 2018

Added another dropped transfer roll on Rhodesia Sc. 109 8d (Scroll down to stamp #21) - December 13, 2018

Added a 1935 Silver Jubilee Issue of St. Helena, Scott #113, with major doubling in the LL corner (scroll down to #8) - December 13, 2018

Added better enlarged scans of the major re-entries on Scott #76 and 77 (Hook on 2) - December 13, 2018

Added a newly acquired major re-entry on the 2¢ Numeral purple, Sc #76, with ten close-up scans to show all the details - December 13, 2018

Added a scan of the block of 6 my copy of The Major Re-entry from the One Half Penny was cut. Unfortunately is was mangled at the UR in the process - November 24, 2018

Added a nice new re-entry on the 6¢ Large Queen (scroll down to stamp #6) discovered by Richard Gunderson - November 24, 2018

Added another copy of the re-entry #2 on the 6¢ Jubilee pp44, but this one is combined with a slip print (scroll down to stamp #2, part way down). An interesting combination of constant and non-constant varieties - November 24, 2018

Added 14 more positions of the 5¢ Beaver, 9 from Michael D. Smith (pp15, 30, 45, 45-46, 69, 9-10, 11-21, 21, 9-19) and i from Jim Jung (pp40) - November 19, 2018

Added another 5¢ Beaver re-entry, pp43, St1, R50 - November 19, 2018

Added a possible dropped transfer roll on the 5¢ Edward VII. I can’t locate any mention of it in Marler, and neither could the eBay seller. Scroll down to stamp #30 (I have two copies and know of a third) - November 18, 2018

Complete overhaul of Five Cent Edward VII page - Added 14 newly enlarged full stamp scans. Not all descriptions have been completed yet, though. More scans to come - November 18, 2018

Added another interesting misplaced entry on the 2¢ Edward, scroll down to stamp #16 - November 14, 2018

Note: I have a goodly number of additional plate positions for my four 5¢ Beaver pages, thanks to Mike Smith, Earl Noss and Jim Jung. I’ll try to get them up soon, once I’ve double-checked them with my Kershaw books - October 24, 2018

Added the third re-entry to be found on the 8¢ Maple Leaf - October 24, 2018

Added a mint copy of the 3¢ Jubilee Misplaced Entry #1 - October 24, 2018

Added another major double transfer on a USA stamp, Scott #515 20¢ Franklin - September 22, 2018

Added two USA Pocahontas double transfers, Scott #330 - September 22, 2018

Added another major re-entry on the 3¢ brown Admiral, Scott #108 (scroll down to stamp #21) - September 10, 2018

Added another copy of the Double Epaulettes misplaced entry on the 10¢ Decimal - September 10, 2018

Added another gorgeous MNH block of 4 with the Map Stamp major re-entry, 5B91 - September 10, 2018

Added another 5¢ Beaver re-entry, pp92, St7, R2, PF118 - September 10, 2018

Added a scan of my new full sheet of 100 of the USA 5¢ on 2¢ error of colour, as well as correcting all of the numbers for the other 5¢ on 2¢ pieces I have, from Scott #467 (perf 10) to #505 (all mine are Perf 11) - September 1, 2018

Added 5 more new major USA double transfers Scott #’s 185, 220 (2) and 254 (2) Courtesy of Earl Noss - August 28, 2018

     NOTE: I am presently working on dividing up my extremely long single page of USA double transfers into multiple pages. Coming fairly soonish.

Added numerous enlarged scans of already listed and some new USA double transfers - August 28, 2018

ADDED A HUGE NEW SECTION OF 205 STAMPS! (Still somewhat incomplete, but I am working on it.) - August 22, 2018

     Some time ago, Mr. Karl Lackemacher, a US specialist, sent me a flash drive containing scans of several hundred scans of DOUBLE TRANSFERS on USA REVENUE STAMPS. I have been working on them, but still do not have all of the descriptions and     plate information entered on all nine of the pages. Rather than wait until they were completely finished, I decided to post them now for your enjoyment. Note that the plate information IS displayed in grey above each image for your use, but I still have work to do on entering this with each stamp. The Revenue stamp Scott numbers are also shown there. There are a total of 205 stamps, some showing incredible double transfers, misplaced entries, and foreign transfers (my favourite!). Over the 9 pages I have numbered all of the images from 1 to 205, so you can keep track of your copies. I will be posting another section on US Revenues to show my own stamps and others that have been sent to me. I thought it best to keep both of these sections separate.

My sincerest thanks go out to Mr. Lackemacher and his generous offer to share all of this information with us!

     Page 1 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R1-R13, Stamp Numbers 1-38

     Page 2 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R14-R30, Stamp Numbers 39-80

     Page 3 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R32-R42, Stamp Numbers 81-98

     Page 4 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R44-R65, Stamp Numbers 99-127

     Page 5 USA Revenues First Issue Scott # R66-R96, Stamp Numbers 128-162

     Page 6 USA Revenues Second Issue Scott # R103-R133, Stamp Numbers 163-183

     Page 7 USA Revenues Third Issue Scott # R134-172, Stamp Numbers 184-186

     Page 8 USA Revenues Proprietary Issue Scott # RB1-RB31, Stamp Numbers 187-189

     Page 9 USA Revenues Foreign Transfers All Issues, Stamp Numbers 190-205

Your reactions to this page will be appreciated and passed on to Mr. Lackemacher.

Added a huge double transfer on USA Scott C6, 24¢ Airmail from Plate 14841, Upper Left Pane, Position #6 (Scroll to bottom of USA page) - August 21, 2018

Just received today, a major double transfer on USA Scott #558, 6¢ Orange, Plate 14169, LR Pane, pp70 - August 20, 2018

     NOTE: I am presently working on dividing up my extremely long single page of USA double transfers into multiple pages. Coming fairly soon.

Added another 5¢ Beaver re-entry, pp43, State 1, R50 - August 9, 2018

Added a new USA double transfer to My Want List - August 6, 2018

Added another upper right corner block of 4 of the 5¢ Jubilee Major Re-entry from pp10 - August 6, 2018

Extremely pleased to be able to finally show the Retouched ‘Bluenose’ Re-entry on Scott #199iv - Courtesy of Scott Robinson, before he even displays it on his own website, (Many Thanks, Scott!) - August 3, 2018

Added a very rare copy of the major re-entry on the One Cent Quebec Tercentenary in a vertical IMPERF PAIR! This is presently being offered on eBay for $1200 USD - August 3, 2018

Added 7 more Beavers, Scott 15, Courtesy of Michael D. Smith, Earl Noss, and Jim Jung - July 31, 2018

Added two proof copies of THE major re-entry on the One Half Penny, Scott #8. One has a damaged corner, while the second is a sound copy I finally acquired at auction - July 31, 2018

JULY 30, 2018: I have divided my mixed-up page of 5¢ Beaver re-entries into four new pages of 25 plate positions each, one for each of the 100 positions, so now the listings are all in their proper order. This should make it so much easier for viewers to identify their stamps! I have carefully checked all of the stamps shown on these pages with Ken Kershaw’s incredible pair of full-colour books published by The British North America Philatelic Society in 2007, THE FIVE CENT BEAVER I. THE PLATE PROOFS OF STATES 10-11 and THE FIVE CENT BEAVER II. PLATING THE MORE NOTABLE VARIETIES AND RE-ENTRIES. However, should you disagree with any of my platings, please feel free to correct me. I also look forward to receiving 1200dpi scans and plate positions (on a black background, please) from any of you out there who are also interested in this fascinating issue. I will give each submitter full credit for their contributions when I use your images. NOTE: My listings are not yet complete, as I have yet to add descriptions to go with the stamps. Most of them should be fairly obvious, though, but I will endeavour to add them as time permits. I hope you will find these pages useful in your Beaver collecting. - July 30, 2018

     Page 1 pp 1-25

     Page 2 pp 26-50

     Page 3 pp 51-75

     Page 4 pp 76-100

BIG changes are in the planning stages for my 5¢ Beaver page. Stay tuned!

I have just scanned a number of new additions to add over the next few days, including some nice 5¢ Beavers, among others.

Added a new page for Western Australia with a super copy of Scott #26 1d Lake with the Double Tail re-entry - July 26, 2018

IMPORTANT REQUEST: When sending me scans, PLEASE put the Country and Scott Number in the Subject line of your email! I receive MANY emails and scans with just the Subject, “Re-entries” or “Re-entry” and it makes it very difficult to keep track of your emails, especially for those of you who often send me material on a regular basis. Thank You!

Added another USA Scott #332 with signs of re-entry AND a possible dropped transfer roll - Courtesy of Earl Noss - May 30, 2018 (Scroll down to right below my stamp added yesterday)

Added a gorgeous new Double Transfer on USA Scott #332 on piece showing a 0.4mm downwards shift - May 29, 2018 (Still working on a complete reorganization of my USA page into multiple pages/sections.)

Added a new major re-entry on the 2¢ Small Queen. Scroll down to Stamp #20 - April 6, 2018

Added two new pages with 42 re-entries submitted by John Tannahill of New Zealand One Penny Universal Postage, Scott #99-108. Thanks John! - March 24, 2018

Added a full stamp scan of 6¢ Small Queen Red Brown from A60 - March 10, 2018

Finally found a copy of Nfld Sc156, pp20 Major Re-entry - March 10, 2018

Added two more copies of a major re-entry on the 6¢ Small Queen, Red Brown, from B85 - March 10, 2018

Added additional copies of my major re-entries on the 6¢ Small Queen, Red Brown, B87, C81 and C7 - March 8, 2018

More copies of the misplaced entry on the 6¢ Large Queen have now been reported - scroll down to #10 - March 8, 2018

Another copy of the major re-entry on the 6¢ Small Queen Red Brown from C7 has been found - March 8, 2018

Added another nice major re-entry on a South Australia one shilling, Sc. 52 - Scroll down to #9 - January 11, 2018

Following a request to re-examine some aspects of the 12 1/2¢ Decimal Issue, Sc. #18, I have added new full stamp scans and descriptions from a different proof sheet than the earlier postings - January 10, 2018

Added a lovely full-design major re-entry on Argentina #169 - January 9, 2018

Added an incredible 3¢ Small Queen that has what I think to be a Dropped-Bounced Transfer Roller, the first I have seen - see 3¢ Small Queen #2 - January 5, 2018

Added another wide-bottomed copy of the lesser 5¢ on 6¢ (scroll to the bottom of listing #6) - January 4, 2018

Note that I have replaced the FLASH buttons on my Home Index page with JPG images. These should now all appear to those of you who avoid FLASH and have not found my buttons to be visible in your browsers  - January 2, 2018


Nothing new added yet today, but I wanted to mention that on finding a most interesting new 3¢ Small Queen, I realized just how out-of-date my 3¢ SQ page is! I plan to overhaul the whole page, soon! - January 1, 2018

My website’s COUNTER blanked out on me again last night! This is the second time within a month. I have no idea what could be causing it! PLEASE let me know if you visit the site and find the counter missing or not working!

REMINDER: (From my page on Scanning) If you are scanning stamps to send to me to examine, please crop your pre-scan fairly closely, leaving more space around it if it comes out crooked, then scan at 1200-2400dpi, and email me the original raw image! Do NOT process it in any way. Also, it REALLY helps me to keep track of all the scans I receive if you start the names of your scans with your last name (or a shortened form of it). This way I can give proper credit if I use your scan on my website. e.g Smith_Sc75_re_RNB.jpg or Jones_USA_Sc300_major.jpg. If it is a Canadian stamp, there is no need to identify it as such, but for other countries or provinces, please put an abbreviated form immediately after your last name. e.g. Smith_nfld_Sc28_pp25.jpg; Smith_NZ_Sc493_full.jpg, etc. For ANY stamp you submit to me, please be sure to include a full-stamp scan, and be sure to scan on a BLACK background. This last step is VERY important!*** When sending me scans, I assume I have your permission to use them on my website if I see fit. If you don’t want me to identify you by name, be SURE to clearly state that!

Please send only stamps you believe to be re-entries or misplaced entries. I am neither interested in, nor have time, to deal with retouches, scratches, flaws, dots, blotches, or guidelines. Thank you.

Added a new page and 13 re-entries on New Zealand Scott #71, courtesy of John Tannahill (Many more are coming from John when I can get them posted) - October 31, 2017

Sorry for the recent delay, but I have been overwhelmed by emails and scans since coming back to my website, and honestly, I have been trying to cope with the quantity - October 31, 2017

Added the plate position for the 2¢ KE7 with the red blotch on the beard - pp 85LR76 my #15 - September 7, 2017

Added another nice major re-entry on the 1¢ green Admiral - see #41 on my second page of Majors - August 29, 2017

Added a second copy of THE Major Re-entry on the 1¢ Numeral, #75iii - August 2, 2017

Finally added a beautiful unused copy of the major re-entry on the 5¢ blue Admiral, pp8UL5, to my collection - July 28, 2017

Added my second re-entry on a Denmark stamp - July 27, 2017

Added another France re-entry on Scott #370, scroll to stamp #3 - July 26, 2017

Added three more Mexican re-entries (Sc. 107 and 108), two of them major, full design re-entriesand identical, though different colours, and one major - July 25, 2017

Added another Brazilian Airmail stamp showing a misplaced imprint along the bottom of the design. Scroll down to Stamp *6 - July 25, 2017

Added a nice major re-entry on an 1897 North Borneo stamp - July 25, 2017

Added two more Mexican Air Mail re-entries, one major and the other less so - July 22, 2017

Added 3 major re-entries and one re-entry to Brazil - July 22, 2017

Added 4 new major re-entries on the 4d of New Zealand - (Scroll down to #’s 8, 9, 10 and 11) - July 22, 2017 - NOTE: My New Zealand page is high on my list of pages to completely reorganize!

Added a new page for Venezuela with one nice re-entry from 1882-88 - July 21, 2017

Added 3 new re-entries to France - July 12, 2017

A full, completely doubled design on a one sol Peru, Scott #115 from 1886-95 - July 11, 2017

A closer, better look at the Mexico complete sideways misplaced entry - July 9, 2017

Added two copies of a Mexican misplaced entry - July 8, 2017

Added a nice wing-margin copy of the 10¢ Decimal Double Epaulettes - July 8, 2017

Added another lovely major re-entry on a 4d Cape of Good Hope triangle stamp, Courtesy of Earl Noss - July 7, 2017

Added a nice major re-entry on a 4d Cape of Good Hope triangle stamp - July 4, 2017

Added a couple more South Australia re-entries - July 2, 2017

Added a new copy of the major re-entry on the 5¢ blue Admiral - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - July 2, 2017

Added a new major re-entry on the 10¢ plum Admiral - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - July 2, 2017


July 1, 2017

Yes, it has been well over two years now since I have added anything new to this website, but I've finally gotten my mindset back on to my re-entries and my site. Actually, I’ve been working for awhile lately on making a bunch of new scans and revamping a number of pages to update the number of full stamp scans and to rearrange a number of areas. I have ‘completed’ a number of pages now and I’ve added some new ones, so I’ve decided to finally post them for your viewing. I do hope you will find them useful. I put “completed” in quotation marks because no page is ever really complete, but until I scan some more material, or receive some scans, they are ‘done’ for now.

I understand some of you may be upset by some of my changes, as many people seem to use ‘my’ numbering system in their own collections and albums. However, I was unhappy with many of the arrangements of some pages for quite some time now, so I have taken it upon myself to make it more ‘comfortable’ for me! Sorry.

One thing I should mention before I begin...I still have a huge backlog of emails and scans that many of you have sent me over the long time I have been away. Rather than attempt to go back and deal with all of these, especially since some of you might not even own the stamps you asked about any longer, I would like to ask you to resend any items you have questions about. Sorry for the inconvenience!!!

Also, please remember, 1200dpi. Full stamp scans. And PLEASE, ONE STAMP AT A TIME, and wait until you have heard back from me before sending another! Keep in mind...the more time I spend responding to emails and scans, the LESS time I have to work on continuing to update the site!!! And mentally, I am simply not prepared for a deluge of emails!

OK, so what’s new?

     Completely revamped the Quebec Tercentenary page. Split it up into 5 separate pages, one for each value with re-entries, with many new full stamp images.

         Half Cent Tercentenary

         One Cent Tercentenary

         Two Cents Tercentenary

         Five Cents Tercentenary - Still NO re-entries

         Twenty Cents Tercentenary

     Completely revamped the 1¢ green Admiral page. Split it up into 4 separate page with many new full stamp images.

          1¢ Misplaced Entries & Major Re-entries

          1¢ Major Re-entries (Continued)

          1¢ Re-entries

          Misplaced & Re-entered Imprints on the Admurals

          Rearranged the three 2¢ carmine Admiral pages, moving strongest ones to the beginning of page 1.

         Rearranged the 3¢ brown Admiral page. adding many new full stamp scans.

          Completely revamped the 2¢ Edward VII pages into:

                    Misplaced Entries

                    Major Re-entries


          In all I have added more than 200 new scans, mostly full stamp scans with some new close-ups.

          I have prepared all new pages for my entire U.S.A. section, breaking the long single page into many new sections for various different periods - I have yet to begin to transfer the material onto these pages yet, though. SOON!

ALSO TO COME: New full stamp scans for my 3¢ carmine Admiral page, plus other Admiral values, my Maple Leaves pages, 5¢ Small Queens, 5¢ & 10¢ Edward VII pages, plus revenue stamps (USA & Canada), and many, many new foreign stamp re-entries.

If you come across any links that do not work, please let me know.

A FURTHER UPDATE: Just as I was contemplating getting back into my stamps following the death of my sister-in-law in October 2015, my brother died suddenly on April 10th, 2016.

I thank you for your continued patience.

May 2, 2016

Update: My beloved sister-in-law lost her battle with ovarian cancer on October 8th. This is a tremendous loss to our family.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

November 24, 2015


I am very sorry for the lack of new material and response to many, many emails containing scans and requesting information over the past many months. I know many of you are greatly disappointed with me. However, my family has been struggling with the fact that a dearly beloved member has been stricken with a deadly disease and has been valiantly fighting it for the past couple of years now. But we are afraid she is losing the battle. As a result, I have lost all interest in re-entries and philately, and keeping up on my correspondence, which has really been piling up. I cannot say how long this mood will continue to affect me, and all I can do is apologize to those who depend on me for help and assistance and have been waiting for me to get back to them. I truly appreciate your interest and support, and you can rest assured that this website will remain here for your reference and continued use at your leisure. This website is not going to disappear. It will remain, and I am sure that eventually I will return to it. Just not in the near future. I still have all of your emails and scans, and will attempt to deal with them one by one once I come out of this funk. How long that will take, I cannot say. But I will return.

Sincerely, Ralph Trimble   October 4, 2015


ANNOUNCEMENT: The plating of the position dots on the 6¢ Small Queen has been a long, strenuous exercise for a great many SQ collectors. Now they will finally be able to compare their work to a full sheet of 100 of the 3-dot re-entered Plate A from the British American Bank Note Co. Montreal & Ottawa, 1894-96 printing, Courtesy of The Brigham Collection. (This sheet was illustrated in the Hillson & Nixon Greene Foundation publication, “Canada’s Postage Stamps of the Small Queen Era, 1870-1897” on page 159.) I was recently extremely fortunate to be provided with a 1200dpi scan of the full sheet, and I present for you here, all 100 plate positions showing all of the lower left corner position dots, all of the re-entries, and all of the constant markings. All have been plated and are now available on four pages of 25 stamps each. Each image on the four pages is a thumbnail, which when clicked, will take you to a full-screen image of that stamp and all of its detail. This is a giant leap forward in the study of the 6¢ Small Queen, and I am proud to be able to bring it to you here.

Page 1: Plate Positions 1-25; Page 2: Plate Positions 26-50; Page 3: Plate Positions 51-75; Page 4: Plate Positions 76-100   - Courtesy of The Brigham Collection - January 16, 2015

Added a page showing the plate markings and imprint of the A Plate of the 6¢ Small Queen - Courtesy of The Brigham Collection - January 16, 2015

Added another amazing misplaced entry on St. Helena Sc. 37, 1887, Courtesy of John Phillips - January 12, 2015

Added a strong re-entry on a 12d proof (scroll down to #14) - Courtesy of Alain Grenier - January 11, 2015

A report of a new re-entry on Nfld Sc. 72a, a plate proof, 30¢ slate, Colony Seal (scroll down to #4) - Courtesy of Robert Coulson - January 10, 2015

Added 3 full stamp scans of the 3 major re-entries on the ½¢ Small Queen, Sc. 34, positions 1R10, 1R96 & 1R98 and also a nice left pane re-entry, 2L18 (more to come) - January 10, 2015

Added 6 more full stamp scans of ½ ¢ Small Queen re-entries, positions 1R40, 1R50, 1R80, 1R99, 1R100 and 2L41 - January 10, 2015

Thanks for your patience! Happy New Year to all!

Added Sc. 43 A second copy of the Lesser 5 on 6¢ from pp C100 has been found (scroll down to #6 of the lessers ) - January 9, 2015

Added St. Helena Sc. 21 Major Misplaced Entry - January 9, 2015

Added South Australia - One Shilling - Sc. #118 - A major re-entry in a pair - January 9, 2015

Added Ceylon - Sc. #13 - Two Shilling - Re-entry - January 9, 2015

Added a major re-entry on the 3¢ Jubilee Sc. 53, (scroll down to #8) - January 9, 2015

Added a 1¢ green Admiral Booklet Pane, Sc. #104aii, with a major re-entry (scroll down to #7) - Thanks to Deveney Stamps - January 9, 2015

Added another 1¢ green Admiral coil stamp, Sc. #125, with major re-entry (scroll to #2) - Courtesy of Simon Taylor-Young - January 9, 2015

Added a hugely major misplaced entry on an Admiral 10¢ plum Sc. #116, (scroll to #2) - Courtesy of Bill Burden - January 9, 2015

Added a major re-entry on Sc. 43, 6¢ SQ, from pp B95 (scroll down to #16) - Courtesy of Deveney Stamps - January 9, 2015

Added a copy of the major re-entry on the 1¢ green Arch Issue, Sc. #163ii, on cover mailed to Fred Jarrett - January 9, 2015

Added a Nauru re-entry on Sc. 37 - January 9, 2015

Added a Nevis re-entry on Sc. 9 - January 9, 2015

My apologies for not adding anything in some time. Please be patient. - November 2014

Added a full stamp scan of the Scott 90b, 2¢ Edward dropped transfer roll misplaced entry, stamp #7 on my page - August 17, 2014

Added a nice twisted re-entry on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott #106, stamp #13 on my page - August 17, 2014

Added a second Dropped Transfer Roll 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott #106, pp140LL80, stamp #22 on my page - Courtesy of Gaétan Gagnon - August 16, 2014

Acquired a copy of my new #1 Want - the major misplaced entry on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott 106, pp140LL31 - August 13, 2014

Another copy of THE 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen has surfaced! Scroll down to Example #9. And I'm SO pleased to be able to say, this one is MINE! - August 6, 2014

Four new New Zealand re-entries added, one very major, scroll down to #'s 13, 14 & 15 - Courtesy of Mike Burrington and Earl Noss - August 4, 2014

Added a full stamp scan of the major misplaced entry on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott 106, pp140LL31 - Courtesy of Leopold Beaudet - July 26, 2014

Added a close-up scan of the upper details of my #4 misplaced entry on Scott #89, the 1¢ Edward (scroll down to stamp #25) - Courtesy of John Phillips - July 25, 2014

Added a beautiful vertical strip of three plate proofs of Scott #15 showing the re-entered imprint next to pp30 (see #5) - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - July 21, 2014

Added a scan of the full pane of 50 2¢ Registered Letter Stamps showing the major re-entry located in pp 40 - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son - July 21, 2014

Added a lovely major re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral, Scott #104 (scroll down to #21) - Courtesy of Claude Cholette - July 21, 2014

Another interesting re-entered imprint on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, but this one shows Plate 158 on top of Plate 77 (scroll down to stamp #16) - July 17, 2014

Another copy of the fresh entry on Nfld #5, 12A & 19 found with HUGE selvedge - July 16, 2014

Added a lovely re-entered Imprint on Scott #2TC, the Six Pence Albert - Courtesy of Gilles Morel - July 15, 2014

Updated My Want List - July 13, 2014

Added a second, better, clearer copy of my #2 Misplaced entry on the 2¢ KE7 - July 11, 2014

Added another copy and the plate position of the 2¢ carmine Admiral Coli, Scott #127, my stamp #17, as 5LL34, confirmed by Leopold Beaudet on the proof sheet in Ottawa - Courtesy of Leopold Beaudet - July 11, 2014.

Added the plate position of the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott #106, my stamp #2, as 157UR92, confirmed by Leopold Beaudet on the proof sheet in Ottawa - July 11, 2014.

The re-entry on Newfoundland Scott #5, 12A & 19 finally seen and confirmed in position #34 of the sheet of 40 (8 X 5) - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son - July 5, 2014

FINALLY...After almost 40 years, I now own a copy of the Number One item on my re-entry Want List!!! The Major Misplaced Entry on the 2¢ King Edward VII that George C. Marler referred to as, "what must be regarded as the most interesting re-entry of the Edward issue." (THE EDWARD VII ISSUE OF CANADA, 1975, published by the National Postal Museum, page 123), Unitrade Scott #90ix, position 86UL93 - Recently acquired in the R. Maresch & Son Auction #506 - July 4, 2014

Added a beautiful major re-entry (double transfer) on the centre stamp of a block of 9 of U.S.A. Scott #499 - My thanks to Dr. Warren L. Bosch - June 23, 2014

Added two copies of an absolutely outstanding misplaced entry on USA Scott #231, the 2¢ Columbian Issue - June 12, 2014

Added a second copy of the major re-entry on USA Scott #231 reported earlier by Peter Lenk - June 12, 2014

Added a scan of the combined re-entered imprint on Scott #9, positions 117 & 118, showing full imprint - Courtesy of A. R. Siegel Auctions - June 11, 2014

Added a scan of the full re-entered imprint from position 25 on the sheet of 120 for Scott #9 (Note the change of position number - I used to have it as pp55) - Courtesy of A. R. Siegel Auctions - June 11, 2014

MY SINCERE APOLOGIES FOR BEING SO LAX WITH KEEPING MY SITE UP-TO-DATE! The problem is, I simply cannot find enough hours in the day to attend to everything I need to do! I'm glad my website is so popular that I get a LOT of re-entry based email, but I am rather overwhelmed at the moment! Right this minute I have 160 emails sitting in my IN BOX waiting for me to do SOMETHING with them! Now, they're not ALL stamp-related, but still! This is why I haven't had time to do anything with my website for months and I have been so slow to reply to your emails! For those of you who submit multiple emails and scans to me, Please be aware that you are much more likely to receive a faster reply if you only send one email / scan at a time, and then wait for a reply BEFORE sending another. Please bear with me! I DO have a life outside of re-entries!

Added a L.L. corner block of 4 of Nfld Sc. 136 (pre-surcharge) proving that my Pane B is actually from the lower left corner of the sheet of 100, resulting in the shuffling of items in the following listing - Courtesy of Earl Noss - February 7, 2014

Added a third pane of 25 of Nfld Sc. 160, Pane D, and re-ordered my panes, due to new information. My 'old' Pane B turns out to be from the lower left corner of the sheet, so has been renamed Pane C - February 7, 2014

Added a full stamp scan of the Misplaced Entry 2 on the 1¢ Quebec Tercentenary - Courtesy of Earl Noss - February 1, 2014

Added another copy of the 'Hairball' and re-entry on the 6¢ SQ, Sc. 43vii from B97 (scroll down to #15) - February 1, 2014

Added a vertical proof strip of three of Nfld Sc. 24/38 showing the complete inverted imprint (scroll down to #12) - Courtesy of Robert Turkowski - February 1, 2014

Added mint copies of the 6¢ Jubilee re-entries #1 and #2, my first - January 31, 2014

Added a nice cancel free copy of the KE7 One Cent Major Re-entry 1 (scroll to #4) - January 31, 2014

Added full stamp scans of most of my 2¢ Small Queen re-entries - January 30, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody! Happy stamping!!!

Added a Switzerland 50f inverted cliché - November 30, 2013

Added another copy of the major re-entry on Queensland Scott #78, the £1 green, in the middle of a strip of 3 - November 26, 2013

Added a strong re-entry on a Queensland Ten Shillings, Scott #82 - November 26, 2013

A nice re-entry on Denmark Scott #241 - November 25, 2013

Sorry for the lack of activity lately.

A major double transfer added in a block of 9 of USA Scott #501, 3¢ Washington, light violet (scroll down to #501 to find it) - November 25, 2013

A major double transfer added of USA Scott #182, 1¢ Franklin, ultramarine(scroll down to #182 to find it) - November 25, 2013

Another copy of the 6¢ SQ 'Hairball' variety plus re-entry (scroll down to #15) - Courtesy of Bruce Craw of Bow City Philatelics Ltd - July 26, 2013

Added a couple of full size enlargements of some of the Lesser 5 on 6¢ SQs - July 26, 2013

Six Cents Small Queens Galore!!!

A MLH margin copy with selvedge of position A21 5 on 6¢ SQ - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre and currently for sale @ $1950.00 - July 25, 2013

A MNH strip of 3 of the 6¢ SQ Sc. #43 with the major re-entry from C81 as the left stamp - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions - July 25, 2013

An amazing MLH copy of THE 5 on 6¢ SQ from position B25 - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions - July 25, 2013

A very lightly cancelled block of 6 containing THE 5 on 6¢ SQ from position B25 - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions - July 25, 2013

A new, unlisted double transfer (re-entry) on the U.S.A. 30¢ Bison Sc. #569 - July 24, 2013

Two imprint blocks of 8 of Australia Scott #103 showing the two different dropped transfer roll re-entries on the Swan's neck - July 24, 2013

A proof copy of a major re-entry on NB Sc. #5Pix pp 61 (scroll to stamp #3) - Courtesy of Earl Noss - July 23, 2013

Finally added a page to my Newfoundland Long Coronation Issue pages for the 1¢ Codfish, with a retouch, re-entry, slip prints and the "Fish Hook" variety - June 18, 2013

First reported copy of a precancel on the 'Lesser' 5¢ on 6¢ SQ from position A20 added, Courtesy of Ken Bailey - June 14, 2013

Added another MNH block of 4 of the Map Stamp showing the 2nd best Map Stamp Major, 1A89 in the LL corner - June 14, 2013

Added a plate position to my stamp #6 of the 7¢ Admiral yellow ochre major re-entry, Courtesy of Earl Noss - June 9, 2013

Added a beautiful MNH LR corner block of the Map Stamp with full selvedge showing the 2nd best Map Stamp Major, 1A89, in the UL corner - May 9, 2013

Made significant additions to the Nfld Scott #39 / 33 / 34 page, with all of the majors now plated and illustrated with proofs, new enlargements of some already posted scans, plus a number of new additions. Also a plate proof block of 6 containing all 3 of THE major re-entries! All Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd, who provided me with a 1200dpi scan of a full proof sheet of 100 - May 5, 2013

Added a second major re-entry on the Nova Scotia 1d, Sc. #1, but NOT one of the recorded majors!?! - Courtesy of Rick Sheryer - May 1, 2013

Added a gorgeous block of 4 of the 6¢ red brown SQ with BOTH the 'Hairball' variety with re-entry in B97 and 'THE' Major Re-entry in B87, Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - April 24, 2013

Finally found, a confirming copy of the major re-entry on Nfld Sc. 83i, thanks to Rob Armstrong - April 24, 2013

Added a gorgeous mint block of the 1¢ green Admiral, 12LR35, recently sold at auction, Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - April 24, 2013

Added a plate proof pair of the Map Stamp showing the second-best major re-entry, 1A89 - April 24, 2013

Added a misplaced entry on the 1¢ green Admiral (scroll down to #20) - April 24, 2013

Added a full-stamp scan of the 7¢ yellow ochre Admiral major from 1L72 - April 24, 2013

Plate position of my re-entry #2 on the 6¢ Jubilee has been discovered in a corner block of 6, Courtesy of Paul Chiles - March 26, 2013

Addition of a new page for low values of the Second Issue of Canadian Revenue Bill Stamps with an interesting re-entry on an FB29 Proof 30¢ in blue - March 14, 2013

Replaced three 3d Beaver re-entry scans with larger copies (A47, B42 & B65), and added four new 3d Beaver re-entry positions (A33, A91, B3 & B53), all Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - March 14, 2013

Added a major re-entry on the 20¢ olive green Admiral, Sc. #119, pp 5UR34 - March 12, 2013

Added an incredibly beautiful copy of Sc. #4xiii 3d major re-entry from pp A80 (scroll down to number 4) - March 12, 2013

A GREAT NEW FIND! The BEST re-entry I have ever seen on a One Cent Small Queen (or ANY Small Queen!) has just come to light! See Stamp #1 on the page - January 18, 2013

Sorry for the lack of New Additions for the past several months. I hope to start getting more material up soon, as well as catching up on my correspondence.

Added a possible dropped transfer roll on Sc. #43, the 6¢ red brown Small Queen (Scroll down to #14) - January 11, 2013

Added a plate proof of the 17¢ Decimal Issue re-entry from position #5 - January 11, 2013

Added a seventh copy of the Major Re-entry on the 1¢ green Admiral, 12UL35, probably Canada's most famous re-entry...Unfortunately, this one has been reperforated along the entire right side - September 5, 2012

Added a single and a beautiful block of 6 showing the "Lesser' 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen from Plate A, Position #11, (scroll down to #5) along with an intriguing discovery - Comments invited - September 4, 2012

A possible new re-entry found on the 1¢ green Arch Issue - Courtesy of Robert Coulson - September 3, 2012

A slight re-entry on a 2¢ Admiral green with additional marks in the middle 'A' of  CANADA - Courtesy of David Noss - September 3, 2012

Added another re-entry on the $5 Jubilee - Courtesy of Gilles Morel - August 20, 2012

Added yet another copy of the Type 1 Misplaced Entry on the 7¢ Numeral, Scott #81 - July 20, 2012

The LL corner plate proof block of 4 of the Map Stamp Major Re-entry, 5B91, now resides in my collection. The previous scans were quite faded and have been replaced with more accurate ones - July 9, 2012

Added a cover with the major re-entry from 1R79 of the Half Cent Maple Leaf - July 6, 2012

Added a marginal proof pair showing the 'Lesser 5¢ on 6¢' from position A21 - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - June 22, 2012   **(This pair is presently for sale by Saskatoon for $1950.00 Cdn/U.S.)

Added a proof pair showing the misplaced entry on Scott #66, the Half Cent Maple Leaf, Position 1R4 - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - June 22, 2012

Added a major double transfer on USA Sc. 231, 2¢ Columbian Exposition - Courtesy of Peter Lenk - June 16, 2012

Added scans of  The Map Stamp Major Re-entry from 5B91 on an Imperf Proof block of 4 - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - June 10, 2012

Finally added an explanation of the how the 5¢ on 6¢ varieties occurred - April 8, 2012  (I can't believe I did not include this right from the beginning of my website creation ten years ago!!!)

Reorganized the order and added a couple of possible re-entries with plate positions to the 20¢ Jubilee page - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - April 4, 2012

While not a re-entry, I have posted an example of the W-E flaw on the 20¢ Jubilee (at the bottom of the page). More examples will soon be posted to show the different states that can be found - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - April 4, 2012

Added one re-entry and two possible re-entries, along with plate positions, on the $2 Jubilee - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son - April 4, 2012

Added proofs of 5 more (possible) re-entries and plate positions on the $3 Jubilee - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son - April 4, 2012

Added two plate proofs and the plate positions of both re-entries on the $5 Jubilee - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son - April 3, 2012

Added another 5¢ on 6¢ SQ from the recent R. Maresch & Son auction - April 3, 2012

Added a plate proof pair of my #1 re-entry on the 6¢ Jubilee, narrowing the plate position to the second row - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - April 2, 2012

Added a third re-entry on the 6¢ Jubilee - Courtesy of Earl Noss - April 2, 2012

Added an unused copy of the major re-entry on Sc. 15, the 5¢ Beaver, and a second cover with the major re-entry - April 1, 2012

Added Western Australia cover with major re-entry on Scott #103, Plate 2, R7/4 - March 22, 2012

Plate position of the major re-entry on F1, the 2¢ Registered Letter Stamp has been confirmed, Courtesy of Maresch & Sons. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to examine your full sheet of 50 - February 6, 2012

Added 25 more large full stamp scans to my 1¢ Edward page, and have 15 more to go that don't match any of those already there - November 9, 2011

I have begun adding new full stamp scans to my Edward VII pages, as I have done with my 2¢ carmine Admirals. I have started with the One Cent green Major Misplaced Entries, stamps 1 & 2. More to follow - November 8, 2011

A possible re-entry on Scott #219 that I photographed over 20 years ago and finally just found the prints (scroll down to stamp 12) - From the Hans Reiche Collection - October 29, 2011

Added more than 85 new, larger, full stamp scans of the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Scott #106, to replace the previous fuzzy close-ups - hope this helps you identify them easier - October 27, 2011

Acquired MORE 1200dpi scans of Proof Sheets from Saskatoon Stamp Centre - My sincere thanks!

TWO great dropped transfer roll misplaced entries discovered on the 7 1/2d Scott #9, one of which was thought to be the 'flaw' in the upper right triangle variety, Scott #9iv - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - October 21, 2011

Separated the six pence page and seven and a half pence pages into their own separate pages - October 20, 2011

Added a larger scan of the major re-entry on Scott #9, 7 1/2d, pp7- October 21, 2011

Added larger scans of the misplaced imprint on Scott #9, 7 1/2d, pp117-118 - October 21, 2011

Added a copy of Nfld Scott 24 with the same inverted imprint as Bob Turkowski's #38 just below - October 17, 2011

Added another copy of the second re-entry on the 6¢ Jubilee that I just added to my collection - October 15, 2011

A misplaced entry and a major re-entryon two 4p Vandiemensland (Tasmania) stamps - October 7, 2011

An inverted and misplaced imprint on Newfoundland #38, 2¢ Codfish. Can be seen on the Re-entered Imprints page, as well as the Nfld First Cents Issues, Page A - (Scroll to the very bottom of both pages) - Courtesy of Robert Turkowski - October 7, 2011

Broke the 5¢ to 10¢ Maple Leaf page up into individual pages for each value.

Another nice Ceylon re-entry - Courtesy of Peter Spencer - September 15, 2011

A new re-entry on the 12¢ Willow Ptarmigan of Nfld, Scott 69, Proof (scroll to #3) - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - August 30, 2011

A major re-entry on USA Scott #210, 2¢ red brown (you'll have to scroll down to get to it) - August 28, 2011

Two re-entries on FWT8, the 2¢ War Tax of 1915 - August 3, 2011

Revenue section finally started! We begin with a baker's dozen of brand new discoveries on the $3 Bill Stamp on Plate Proofs, Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - August 2, 2011

       Many more revenues to come...including more Canada, as well as U.S.A. and Foreign

An imprint strip of 4 of the 1¢ Admiral #2 major on my page confirms the plate position as 7UL6 - Courtesy of W.G. Burden & Eastern Auctions - July 19, 2011

Added a major re-entry on the G.B. Sc. 4 2d blue - July 9, 2011

Split G.B. 1d Red & 2d Blue pages into two pages each - imperforate and perforated - July 9, 2011

A major misplaced entry of 6.5mm on another New Zealand One Penny Chalon Head - July 8, 2011

New page: A nice re-entry on a Brazil souvenir sheet, Scott #C73A - July 8, 2011

New page: My first re-entry on Ceylon, 2d green, Scott #4 - July 8, 2011

Another 12d re-entry (see #13), Sc. #3, Courtesy of Rob Taylor - July 5, 2011

Another copy of the major re-entry on the 1¢ SQ has surfaced, Courtesy of John Phillips - June 30, 2011

Two more New Zealand Chalon Head misplaced entries, Courtesy of Martin Sherwin - June 28, 2011

A new plated misplaced entry (dropped transfer roll) on Nova Scotia #11 8 ½¢ green - June 28, 2011

Created a new page for New Zealand's Chalon Head Issue and added two misplaced entries to start it off. More to come. - June 27, 2011

Another major re-entry on the U.S.A. 30¢ Bison, but this one is on Canal Zone #93, Courtesy of The Canal Zone Study Group - June 26, 2011

Added a new page for the Ten Pence, Scott #7, showing the 13 re-entries I located on a set of enlarged colour photocopies of a full plate proof sheet of 120 that I obtained from John Jamieson of Saskatoon Stamp Centre several years ago. While scans of photocopies are far from ideal, the images shown should at least provide a basis for searching and identifying the particular re-entries found on this stamp. As you will see, the sheet itself was wrinkled in places, so the images do not all appear to be perfectly rectangular. Although I started with hi-res scans, the images are still obviously blurry/fuzzy. Courtesy of John Jamieson - June 26, 2011

The first re-entry on the 8¢ Numeral has been discovered, Courtesy of Norman DeLisle - June 26, 2011

Another new re-entry on the 8¢ Maple Leaf has surfaced, Courtesy of Earl Noss - June 26, 2011

Another nice copy of the re-entered imprint on Sc. #9, pp118, Courtesy of Sparks Auction - June 26, 2011

Another misplaced entry on the 1¢ Edward (scroll to #25), Courtesy of John Phillips - June 26, 2011

Added two more nice re-entries on the Twelve Pence black, including a nice one Courtesy of Jim Jung - June 26, 2011

Plate position of the 7¢ Numeral Major 'C-E' Re-entry discovered by W.G. Burden in a proof pair (scroll down to stamp 4) - May 2, 2011

A minor re-entry on the 2¢ green Admiral - Courtesy of David Freeman - March 13, 2011

Added a full stamp scan of the major re-entry on the 2¢ green Admiral - March 11, 2011

Three examples of 5¢ Quebec Tercentenaries that are often mistaken for re-entries, but are the result of using an unprepared plate - March 10, 2011

A closer look at another misplaced entry on the 7¢ Numeral pp54 (scroll down to stamp *5) - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - February 23, 2011

Added a scan of the UNIQUE copy of the Major Re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral on a Perf 8 Coil (also on the 'regular' 1¢ Admiral page) - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - February 23, 2011

Added two more 'typical' re-entries on Nfld #53/54/55 - February 23, 2011

Added a NEW major re-entry on Nfld #53/54/55 - Courtesy of Bob Turkowski - February 12, 2011

Finally added photos of the major re-entry on Nfld Sc. #83i, the 3¢ Queen Alexandra (scroll down to stamp *7) - Courtesy of the late Bill MacDonald - November 28, 2010

Also added a high contrast copy of the major re-entry on the 7¢ Numeral (#4) to hi-lite the details - November 18, 2010

High contrast scans added to show the 7¢ Numeral Misplaced Entry details - Courtesy of W.G. Burden of Eastern Auctions - November 18, 2010

Discovered! The plate positions of the 7¢ Numeral Misplaced Entries, #1 (Mid) & #3 (Low) Versions - Courtesy of W.G. Burden of Eastern Auctions - November 16, 2010

Corrected an error in my listing for the 20¢ Jubilee re-entry from pp2 - there is NO doubling in the crown - My thanks to Michael Babier for bringing this to my attention - November 1, 2010

THE Major Re-entry on the Ten Pence blue from pp29 on a plate proof - October 27, 2010

Two copies of the major double transfer on USA Scott #11e - Courtesy of Earl Noss - October 27, 2010

A block of 4 plate proofs of Nfld Scott #111, the 9¢ Prince John (Item #11) - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur- October 27, 2010

Another major re-entry on a plate proof of Nfld Scott #109, the 6¢ Prince Henry (Item #6) - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - October 27, 2010

Added the 'TAG' double transfer on USA Scott #68 - October 18, 2010

Added four more copies of the Twelve Pence black, Scott #3, all showing strong re-entries - October 17, 2010

Finally acquired a copy of the 'major' (not!) re-entry on the 50¢ Widow Weeds, pp6, and added numerous scans - October 17, 2010

Two more re-entries on Nfld Sc. #113 - Courtesy of Earl Noss and David Noss - October 16, 2010

Block of 4 showing Nfld Sc. 29, 'C' re-entry from pp 69 - Courtesy of Earl Noss - October 16, 2010

New material and scans added to Nfld Royal Family Issue of 1911, Scott #'s 109, 111 & 113 - October 15, 2010

A plate proof pair of the re-entry on Sc. 65, $5 Jubilee, showing it to be from the right column of the sheet of 50 - Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - October 14, 2010

After 30 years of wishing to own one, I finally acquired a gorgeous block of 12 of the U.S.A. Scott 505 with the double 5¢ colour error of 1917! I have replaced the photo I had on my U.S. page with one of my own block. Very exciting! - October 14, 2010.

Added a scan of a plate proof strip of 3 with imprint on card of Nfld Sc. 31, with the major re-entry (pp 9) on the right - October 14, 2010

Another copy of the Misplaced Entry in 'C-E' on the 7¢ Numeral with clearer close-ups (scroll to bottom of stamp *4) - September 9, 2010

Added a few more items to my Literature listing - September 9, 2010

Added a plate proof in a block of 4 of the Nfld major re-entry on Sc. #62ii, with an enlarged view of the re-entry itself - August 11, 2010

Two Panes of 25 stamps each of Nfld Scott #160 (3¢ on 6¢ red surcharge) are now available for viewing and / or downloading (c. 33 MBs each), each with re-entries (15 total) identified - August 6, 2010

A major new addition to the site has been added today that will hopefully please collectors of Newfoundland re-entries on the 5¢ Harp Seal stamps (Scott #'s 25, 26 & 40). ALL 100 plate positions are now available spread over four new pages, showing the details of 19 major re-entries, 19 re-entries, and more, for a total of 47 of 100 positions with re-entries. The other 53 also give important information on the guide dots and imprint positions for platers. And there is no need to worry about cancellations obliterating parts of the re-entries, as all 100 positions are from a beautiful Plate Proof sheet of 100 in a lovely light brown colour. My sincere thanks for this invaluable research tool goes to Tony Maresch, of R. Maresch & Son, for kindly providing me with a 1200dpi scan of his full proof sheet. This has been a rather time-consuming effort, so I do hope you will find it useful. The links start HERE. - August 1, 2010

Added a scan of a proof block of four of the 5¢ Beaver Major Re-entry pp28 - Courtesy of Beverly Fox - July 1, 2010

A nice re-entered imprint on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, Plate 19, Courtesy of Bob Turkowski - July 1, 2010

A major misplaced entry on an 1855 GB Two Pence from Plate 5, DB (see #3) - June 25, 2010

Better close-ups added for the re-entry on the 20¢ Niagara Falls, Sc. #225 - June 25, 2010

A new major re-entry has been found on the 7¢ Numeral (scroll down to #4) - Courtesy of Dave Noss - June 23, 2010

A new major re-entry on Nfld Sc. 81/82, KE7, 2¢ orange & vermilion - Courtesy of Bob Turkowski (Plated by Earl Noss) - June 21, 2010

Finally, a minor re-entry on the 1947 Citizenship stamp, Sc. 275 (no, not the major described and listed by Hans Reiche) - Courtesy of Richard Hautala - June 21, 2010

Another delightful major re-entry on the 1¢ Numeral (see #45 on my second page) - Courtesy of Dave Freeman - May 12, 2010

Added a nice re-entry on the 5¢ Admiral violet, Courtesy of Richard Hautala - April 27, 2010

Added a beautiful example of re-entry #1 on the $5 Jubilee, Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - April 27, 2010

Added a full scan of Sc. #43, C26, a lesser 5¢ on 6¢ - April 25, 2010

Revamped the Imprint re-entries and misplaced entries page.

Another misplaced imprint on the 1¢ green Admiral, Plate 24 - April 24, 2010

Added my newly acquired mint copy of the Type 1 Major Misplaced Entry on the 7¢ Numeral - April 23, 2010

An AMAZING NEW MAJOR DISCOVERY has now been posted! Find it HERE - Courtesy of John Routledge of Alberta - April 17, 2010

Completely revamped my Large Queens page into separate pages for each value. I also eliminated the other two pages for the 15¢ LQ major re-entry, combining them into the one page...

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #21, ½¢ black - April 16, 2010

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #22/23, 1¢ brown red/yellow orange - April 16, 2010

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #24, 2¢ green - April 16, 2010

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #25, 3¢ red - April 16, 2010

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #27, 6¢ dark brown/yellow brown, plus two new positions, Courtesy of Glenn Archer of Toronto - April 16, 2010

A new page for Large Queens, Scott #29, 15¢ grey violet - April 16, 2010

Tidied up the 2¢ Maple Leaf page and added a scan of my top strip of 20 - April 10, 2010

A new major re-entry on the 7¢ yellow ochre Admiral, Courtesy of W.G. Burden of New Brunswick - April 5, 2010

The 5¢ Numerals and 10¢ Numerals have been split into their own pages - April 5, 2010

The Admirals 5¢ to $1 page has been removed and replaced by separate pages for each value.

A new page for Admirals, Scott #111, 5¢ blue - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #112, 5¢ violet - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #113, 7¢ yellow ochre - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #114, 7¢ red brown - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #116, 10¢ plum - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #117, 10¢ blue - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #119, 20¢ olive green - April 1, 2010

A new page for Admirals, Scott #120, 50¢ black brown - April 1, 2010

New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have been separated, with one page for New Brunswick and 4 new pages for Nova Scotia.

A new page for Nova Scotia Pence Issues - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nova Scotia Cents Issues, Sc. #10, 5¢ blue - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nova Scotia Cents Issues, Sc. #11, 8 ½¢ green - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nova Scotia Cents Issues, Sc. #12, 10¢ vermilion - March 29, 2010

I have started to revamp some of the Nfld pages, breaking them up into individual stamps per page.

A new page for Nfld Sc. 160, 3¢ Red Surcharge on 6¢ - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nfld Sc. 156, The First Nonstop Transatlantic Flight - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nfld Sc. 147, King George V & Queen Mary - March 29, 2010

A new page for Nfld Sc. 145, The Map Stamp of Newfoundland - March 29, 2010

Two more re-entries on the Nfld 10¢ Prince Albert, Sc. #27, on a plate proof block of 16 - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - March 27, 2010

Added two major double re-entries of Nfld Sc. 145 (scroll down to #11 & 12) - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - March 27, 2010

Also another major re-entry on the Nfld Map, Sc. 145 (#13) - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - March 27, 2010

Updated the quandry of the plate position of the misplaced entry and imprint on Nova Scotia #11, pp92 - March 27, 2010

Another 5¢ Numeral re-entry (scroll down to #13) - Courtesy of Dave Noss - March 27, 2010

Added a full stamp scan of the ½¢ Jubilee re-entry from pp5 - March 27, 2010

Added three more re-entries on the 1¢ Jubilee, along with another copy of the first reported re-entry - Courtesy of Earl Noss - March 26, 2010

I have completely revamped the Jubilee area, creating 16 new pages, one for each value, replacing the 5 earlier pages. See the Listings page for all of the new links. Please let me know if you find any broken links. - March 26, 2010

Added a full stamp scan of a mint copy of a major re-entry on Sc. 43, 6¢ SQ, pp B85 - Courtesy of Yannick Cartier - March 23, 2010

A possible misplaced entry on Sc. 39, the 'y' flaw in the lower left 6 - March 23, 2010

Another incredible copy of the 12LR35 major re-entry on the 1¢ green Admiral - Anonymous - March 23, 2010

A lovely misplaced entry on a 1¢ green Admiral imprint (scroll to bottom of the page) - Anonymous - March 23, 2010

Corrections and enlargements made to Sc. 113, 7¢ yellow ochre Admiral listings - March 22, 2010

My apologies for the delay in getting back to posting, but due to personal reasons I have not been able to concentrate on stamps for the past three or four months.

Added a nice misplaced entry on the 8 1/2¢ Nova Scotia, Sc. #11, but not exactly the previously reported one - December 28, 2009

Three more re-entries on Nfld Sc. 160 - Courtesy of Earl Noss - December 24, 2009

Four re-entries (two major) added on Nfld Sc. 160 - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - December 24, 2009

A new page added for Great Britain's Penny Blacks starting off with 7 examples Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur of France, with my apologies for the delay - December 24, 2009

The re-entry from pp5 on the 17¢ Cartier - Courtesy of Karl-Heinz Gennen - December 23, 2009

Another copy of THE Major Re-entry found on the 1¢ Small Queen - December 22, 2009

Not a re-entry, but an odd addition to the string of dashes varieties on the 3¢ brown Admiral (see #20) - Courtesy of Rick Widdifield - December 21, 2009

A new major re-entry on the 1¢ yellow Small Queen - see #2 on the page - November 21, 2009

Added a couple of enlarged scans of 2¢ Small Queens - November 21, 2009

Added six enlargements of 5¢ Edward re-entries - many more to come - November 20, 2009

Four Admiral coil re-entries have been added to my coil page, three of which are Ex Reiche, and one Courtesy of Earl Noss - November 19, 2009

Probably THE finest copy of The Major Re-entry of the 1¢ Admiral known. Ex Reiche - November 18, 2009

Probably THE finest copy of THE Major Re-entry of the 5¢ Admiral known - Courtesy of Anonymous - November 18, 2009

Added a scan of my old corner block of 4 of the Map Stamp showing The Major Re-entry in 5B91 - November 16, 2009

A postcard with my #2 Major Re-entry Admiral 1¢ Green listing on it - November 16, 2009

Yet another 'wanted' item found. A larger scan added of the Retouched Major Re-entry of the 5¢ Medallion - November 16, 2009

Another hole in my reference collection filled - A faulty copy of THE 1¢ Admiral Major Re-entry - November 11, 2009

Finally acquired a copy of the 5¢ Numeral Foreign Entry from 1R22 - October 27, 2009

A nice major re-entry on a 1¢ Maple Leaf (see #10) - October 25, 2009

Another copy of the 5¢ on 6¢ SQ (see Example #4) surfaces at The Greene Foundation - Courtesy of Anonymous - October 16, 2009

Some larger scans added on the 1¢ SQ page - October 7, 2009

Two major re-entries (one a super twisted re-entry) on the 3¢ SQ - Courtesy of Bob Turkowski - October 6, 2009

Another sharp re-entry is found on Nfld Sc. #156 (scroll down to #24) - October 4, 2009

Plate position of misplaced entry on Nfld Sc. 81/82 discovered by Earl Noss - October 3, 2009

Re-entry on Nfld Sc. 110i, Prince George, finally found - Courtesy of Earl Noss - October 3, 2009

Added two more Chilean re-entries - September 29, 2009

Finally started a new page for Admiral Coils. The first stamp is a major re-entry on Sc. 129, 3¢ Brown, Perf 8V. More to follow.- September 26, 2009

NOTE: Regarding emails: I was recently 'bitten' again by Microsoft, when my Microsoft Database suddenly became badly corrupted. Even Microsoft's own Database Utility failed to fix it, so I resorted to a backup copy which I thought was only two days old. Unfortunately, my backup program, I discovered, does not work on my emails if my email program (Entourage - Microsloth again) is running!! It is ALWAYS running on my computer! So, unbeknownst to me, no backups for the past three and a half months! Therefore, if you have written to me and/or sent scans of re-entries since mid-May, and you haven't yet heard back from me (sometimes it takes me awhile to get to things!) , PLEASE send them again. I apologize for the inconvenience! - Ralph - September 3, 2009

A lovely re-entered imprint of a GB 1d red imperf - Courtesy of Scott Treacy - September 3, 2009

I finally acquired a copy of THE Major Re-entry on NZ #101 and have added larger scans - August 29, 2009

A used copy of the re-entry on the 8¢ Maple Leaf has now been reported - Courtesy of Paul Chiles - August 28, 2009

Added better, larger scans of the major re-entry on the 3¢ SQ - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - August 26, 2009

Added a page for Chile, along with a re-entry and dropped roll - August 25, 2009

Fixed link to Queensland page - August 25, 2009

The major re-entry on the 3¢ Maple Leaf has been found on the 1899 2 CENTS overprint - August 24, 2009

A new France major re-entry from 1986 - August 23, 2009

Added an enlargement of the full stamp of the Switzerland Double Strike, as well as a fully-rotated scan of the variety -August 17, 2009

A nice major on Mexico Air Mail stamp, Sc. #C191 - August 17, 2009

A Colombia Air Mail dropped transfer roll - August 17, 2009

A Barbados re-entry or dropped roll - August 17, 2009

Two nice U.S.A. re-entries (double transfers) on Sc. #344 and Sc. #499 - August 16, 2009

Finally, another copy of the re-entry on the 8¢ Maple Leaf has been found - Courtesy of David Noss - August 14, 2009

Another amazing Misplaced Entry on the 1¢ Numeral (see #9) - July 19, 2009

Seven full-stamp scans added to the 1¢ Numeral Misplaced Entry page, so you can see all of the other details - July 19, 2009

A full-stamp scan of THE Major Re-entry on the 1¢ Numeral - July 19, 2009

Another 12d Plate Proof re-entry - Courtesy of Rob Taylor - July 18, 2009

A Minor Re-entry on Sc. #2TCi, the Six Pence - Courtesy of Earl Noss - July 18, 2009

A mint copy of the 1c Numeral Major Re-entry #15 - Courtesy of Walter Krasowski - July 18, 2009

A newly discovered re-entry on Nfld Sc. #28/29, right beside the other one - Plate Proofs Courtesy of R. Maresch & Sons - July 18, 2009

Another possible re-entry found on Nfld Sc. #28/29 - Courtesy of Earl Noss - July 18, 2009

Added a plate proof copy of the Nfld re-entry on Sc. #30 pp18 - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Sons - July 18, 2009

In regard to the Three Pence Issue below, new information has recently come to light regarding the positions of the two panes - June 30, 2009

Added 4 more large scans of 3d Proof re-entries (A33, A34 & B42, B53) - Courtesy of Ken Kershaw - June 30, 2009 pm

Added 6 large scans of 3d Proof re-entries (A47, A80, A91 & B3, B61, B65) - Courtesy of Ken Kershaw - June 30, 2009 am

Added another nice re-entry on a full-fledged 12d Black (not a plate proof this time) - June 13, 2009

Added a poorly centred vertical strip of 3 of the major re-entry on the 20¢ Quebec Tercentenary with full selvedge on the left - June 13, 2009

More info and updated screenshot added to my Scanning page - May 28, 2009

Added more detail about successful scanning of stamps to my Scanning page (scroll down) - February 19, 2009

Added full stamp scans of 6¢ SQ 'mangled majors' B87 and C81 - January 30, 2009

Added an amazing unused V.F. copy of the major re-entry on the 6¢ SQ from C7 - January 29, 2009

Another major re-entry on the Martha Washington 8¢ (#23b on U.S. page) - Courtesy of Peter Lenk - January 22, 2009

Plate proof added of the first re-entry shown on the 6¢ Jubilee (only 12 exist) - January 3, 2009

New page for Switzerland, with a rare double strike, one inverted - January 3, 2009

Added a full stamp scan of Nfld #81i - Courtesy of Earl Noss - January 3, 2009

Added another lovely copy of the major re-entry on the 1¢ Admiral, 12LR35 - January 3, 2009

Added another major re-entry on the 12d black, Sc. #3 - January 3, 2009

New page for Queensland, with two major re-entries - January 3, 2009

Added photo of the third position of the USA 5¢ on 2¢ error of colour - January 3, 2009

Compacted the Listings for Provinces, British Commonwealth & Foreign into tables to make for easier navigation - January 3, 2009

Enlarged close-ups added of the two 5¢ on 2¢ USA Sc. 467 errors of colour I have - January 2, 2009

A gorgeous U.S.A. major double transfer on the 2¢ black Harding (Sc. #610) - Courtesy of Larry Cohen - January 1, 2009

Four new U.S.A. double transfers added (Sc. #'s 269, 286, 295 & 598) - all Courtesy of Peter Lenk - January 1, 2009

'Unknown' Sc. 14 re-entry, now believed to be Whitworth's R3, with added re-entry details - Courtesy of Harry Voss - December 27, 2008

Plate proof of Sc. 79, 5c Numeral, showing misplaced re-entry from 1R46 (see #5) - December 19, 2008

Added a MNH block of 6 showing the 'Lesser' 5 on 6c SQ from A11 - Courtesy of Bill Coates - December 19, 2008

Added a MNH block of 6 showing the 'Lesser' 5 on 6c SQ from A20 - December 18, 2008

Added a mint copy of THE B25 5 on 6c SQ - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - December 18, 2008

Moved site to a new web host server. Please notify me of any problems - December 8, 2008

Added 15 more re-entry related titles to my recommended Literature page - October 17th, 2008

The issue of THE major re-entry on the 5¢ Admiral blue , pp 8UL5, has been straightened out, thanks to Leo Beaudet - September 1, 2008

Another major on the 5¢ Admiral blue, matching the Reiche copy has been reported, Courtesy of Peter Hausknecht - September 1, 2008

Sorry for all the recent delays, but in August of 2007 I became infected with a very serious bug in my spine - Osteomyelitis - I had developed an abscesson my lung, and another the size of a tennis ball on my spine. Between August of 2007 and September 2008, I spent a total of 128 days in and out of hospital, with two deeply invasive surgeries on my spine to remove the abscess along with a disk, after which I had a bone graft to fill the space of the removed disk. After all of this, I had long, extensive and exhaustive rehab to learn to walk again. I missed an entire year of school (I am an elementary public school teacher). Fortunately I also had my librarian papers, so I was able to return to school as the teacher-librarian, my dream job! It was not a pleasant year! I’m only telling you this because I seem to have developed a very loyal following, and I felt I owed it to you to explain why I had been away for so long. Thank you all for your patience and understandin!

Three plate positions added for Nfld Map #145, Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - August 28, 2008

A brand new major re-entry discovered on Nfld #27 - August 9, 2008

Plate positions added for five of the more 'exotic' listed 5c Numerals - August 1, 2008

A major over-all re-entry on a 2c Philippines stamp (I have been meaning to post this re-entry here for several years now) - April 5, 2008

Plate position for Nfld #62ii has been confirmed - March 28, 2008

The very first re-entry on the 8¢ orange Maple Leaf has been found - Courtesy of Matt James - March 28, 2008

Sorry about the further delay, but sometimes things just don't go as planned.

Two U.S.A. re-entries; a delightful Sc. 306 ; and a Sc. 548 - Courtesy of Peter Lenk - January 11, 2008

         (I really must reorganize this USA page some day!)

A Nfld re-entry on #39 found on plate proof of #33 and plated - Courtesy of John Jamieson - January 11, 2008

17¢ Decimal Misplaced Entry pp63 added to proper page - January 11, 2008

Lower right corner plate proof block of 6 showing the 17¢ Decimal major re-entry pp100 - January 11, 2008

Added, the major re-entry on the $3 Jubilee on a plate proof - Courtesy of Bruce Craw, Bow City Philatelics Ltd. - January 10, 2008

The re-entry on the 5c Jubilee has been plated! - January 10, 2008

The re-entry on the 1c Jubilee has been partially plated! - January 10, 2008

Hello re-entry collectors - I'm back! Happy New Year! I do apologize for the delay, but I have tons of new material for the site, and hope to add material fairly steadily, as time permits. If you have been holding back scans to send me until I returned to active duty, please feel free to send them along. Understand, though, that I do have loads of material already at hand to go through, scan and post, so don't be surprised if your material does not show up immediately. I have also decided to stop posting multiple copies of re-entries that you send in if I already have a scan posted that shows the details clearly. I will, however, continue to add copies that show portions of the re-entries not visible or shown clearly in those pieces already posted, or pieces with selvedge or adjoining stamps that help to determine the plating information. Thank you for the many, many notes of concern and well-wishes I have received from many of my loyal visitors. - Ralph - January 10, 2008

***I apologize for the lack of new additions for some time now, but we have been in the midst of some personal turmoil for the past several months. I hope to resume activity on this site within the next month.***  Thank you for the many emails of concern that I have received. - August 27, 2007

FINALLY, our very first re-entry on the 1¢ Jubilee! - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - April 14, 2007

Two copies of a new re-entry on the 6¢ Jubilee - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - April 12, 2007

Finally, a copy of the 50¢ Widow Weeds, Sc. #47i, pp6, with selvedge, proving position of well-known re-entry - Courtesy of John Newman - March 23, 2007

A lovely copy of the Sc. #4 3d Major Re-entry ppA47 - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - March 23, 2007

Three Jubilees with selvedge, proving positions of re-entries: Sc. #57i  10¢ pp5 - Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi; Sc. #57 10¢ pp3 - Courtesy of Dave Noss; Sc. #53 3¢ pp6 - Courtesy of Earl Noss - March 23, 2007

Two more examples of Sc. #7, 10d Cartier, major re-entry pp1 - Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi & Michael D. Smith - March 23, 2007

Plate position of Half Cent Jubilee re-entry #2 has been documented by Harry Voss as pp5 - March 22, 2007

Updated the 20¢ Jubilee page with scans and plate positions from Gary Lyon’s full proof sheet - March 20, 2007

I am very pleased to announce that thanks to Gary J. Lyon of New Brunswick, who sent me scans of his full proof sheet of 50 of the 20¢ Jubilee, and half a proof sheet of 50 of the 8¢ Jubilee, I have been able to confirm the plate positions of the known re-entries on the 20¢ and several of those on the 8¢. I have also been able to plate a few of the other re-entries that exist on these plates as well. Stay tuned.

The re-entry on the Nfld 13¢ Schooner Sc. #30 pp18 - Courtesy of Gary Lyon - March 10, 2007

A full stamp scan of the major re-entry on the 2¢ LQ, pp7 - March 10, 2007

Plate position of the major misplaced entry on NFLD #145 Map stamp found and reported by Jean-Claude Vasseur - February 27, 2007

The short entry on the 12 ½¢ LQ with missing frameline on LL value tablet added to Terms page - February 11, 2007

A scan of a beautiful mint copy of the 6¢ SQ demi-major re-entry - February 11, 2007

An unrecorded major re-entry on the 1¢ Decimal - Courtesy of Harry Voss - February 10, 2007

Re-entries (including three majors) on stamps in three 1¢ Admiral booklet panes - Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre - February 8, 2007

And a third copy of the #14 misplaced entry - February 6, 2007

Two copies of the major misplaced entry on the 1¢ Decimal Issue, pp28, on the printed stamp, one Courtesy of Earl Noss - February 3, 2007

A double print and a quad print of the Sc. #U90 6¢ postal stationery envelopes on the Terms page - Courtesy of Barrie Atkinson - January 25, 2007

A seventh re-entry found on the 3¢ Jubilee (see #25) - courtesy of Dave Noss - January 23, 2007

A MNH copy of the 2¢ SQ Major Re-entry with a story behind it  (see #3) - January 18, 2007

Two more nice re-entries on the 1¢ Admiral (see #’s 18 & 19) - January 13, 2007

A second re-entry (major or misplaced) on the Half Cent Jubilee (see #2) - January 13, 2007

Two more re-entries on the 3¢ Jubilee (one by me [#5] and another by Dave Noss [#6]) - January 13, 2007

A fourth re-entry on the 3¢ Jubilee discovered by Dave Noss - January 12, 2007

A third re-entry on the 8¢ Jubilee (see #3) - January 10, 2007  A second copy reported by Earl Noss - January 12, 2007

A major re-entry on an Eire (Ireland) stamp - January 9, 2007

A ‘new’ find on the 17¢ Decimal Issue??? See my ‘What is it?’ page, #4 - January 7, 2007

I have received emails from several visitors to the site asking about the definitions that have not yet been completed at the bottom of my Terms page. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to finish them! Actually, the missing entries at the bottom of the page is due to a shortcoming/flaw/bug in Dreamweaver, the program I use to create my pages. I guess I must have reached the maximum a single page can hold, because when I open the Terms page in Dreamweaver the bottom few entries are completely missing, as if they had been accidentally deleted. They have not. When I upload the page to my website host, the full page is visible when I go to it on the Internet. But now, unless I do delete some of the material further up on the page, I can no longer access the bottom of the page. (As of this moment, I cannot see anything after the Double Print section.) What a pain! I think the only thing I can do to fix it is to break the Terms page up into two or three shorter pages. I don�t really want to do that, but it looks like I may have to! Just when I think I�ve got a handle on the technology, it rears up and bites me in the a**. (Oops...Sorry about that!) - January 7, 2007.

Added two more retouches to Terminology page - January 7, 2007

Another major re-entry on the 2¢ carmine Admiral (see #78) - courtesy of Randy Van Someren - January 7, 2007

Illustrations added to fresh entry on the Terminology page - January 3, 2007

Misplaced entries and foreign entries (with lots of illustrations) added to my Terminology page - January 3, 2007

An illustration of a magnificent U.S. double transfer on the 5¢ Roosevelt of 1924 (scroll to the bottom) - January 1, 2007

A second possible re-entry on the 8¢ Jubilee - January 1, 2007

More Terms and scans to illustrate them - January 1, 2007

A major re-entry on Sc. #88, the 2¢ overprint on the 3¢ Numeral - December 31, 2006

More re-entries on the and 20¢ Jubilees - December 31, 2006

More Terms and scans, plus an eBay lot you won’t believe! (Scroll down to Ink Pull) - December 29, 2006

More photos added to illustrate terms on the Terminology page - December 22, 2006

More definitions added to my Terminology page - photos coming soon - December 22, 2006

Finally scans added of the major re-entry on the 2¢ Green Arch Issue, Courtesy of Brad Buschette - December 20, 2006

Added revised plate positions of re-entries on Sc. #8 versus #11, due to reduction of plate size - November 20, 2006

Added photos of a MNH block of 6 of the 6¢ SQ containing the major re-entry from A24 - November 20, 2006

A second beautiful copy of The Major Re-entry on the 10d Pence, pp29, Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi - November 17, 2006

The first nice re-entry on the 6¢ Jubilee - Courtesy of Dave Noss - November 5, 2006

Added shortcuts to specific Canadian issues on the Listings page - November 2, 2006

A new mint copy of the misplaced entry on the 8d Rhodesia Double Head found (#20 on the page) - October 29, 2006

Sorry there hasn’t been much activity here recently, but I have been working on getting another website up and running lately for the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, of which I am currently President, and now webmaster. If you are interested, please make a visit: <>. We have our first online exhibit now posted, consisting of 85 pages of postal history. Enjoy! - October 10, 2006

I have just been notified that I was elected a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada at the Royal Convention in Calgary on the weekend of September 29 - October 1, 2006. I am incredibly honoured and thrilled! - October 2, 2006

The new Unitrade 2007 Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps has been released. It contains many new re-entry listings and scans from this website, especially in the Provinces - September 30, 2006

Two more GB 1d major re-entries (see #’s 18 & 19) - Courtesy of Scott Treacy - September 11, 2006

The two major re-entries on Antigua #2 - September 8, 2006

Another clear copy of the Dropped Roll on GB 2d Pl. 7 G-H of 1858 - September 5, 2006

An amazing new find on the 6¢ SQ ... Kiss print or Misplaced Entry?? Check it out here - Courtesy of W.G. Burden - September 1, 2006

A new re-entry reported on the NFLD #1 1d - Courtesy of Jean-Claude Vasseur - August 31, 2006

Confirmed: A second copy of the second-best re-entry on NFLD #15A & #1 seen on eBay - August 30, 2006

Just some general house cleaning before I start adding new material and more pages, following my break - July 25, 2006

Taking a bit of a break for awhile; be back soon - May 2006

A second re-entry on the $5 Jubilee - after all these years! - May 6, 2006

A second copy of the E4 Special Delivery stamp - Courtesy of Norbert Hobrath - March 25, 2006

A copy of the major re-entry on the One Half Penny pp96 - Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi - March 20, 2006

A different state of the 5¢ Beaver pp38 (see stamp #11 on the page) - Courtesy of Earl Noss - March 20, 2006

The New Zealand 2 1/2d on 4d foreign transfer in yellow (see #2 on the page) - March 17, 2006

Another copy of the 5¢ Beaver Major Re-entry reported - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - March 16, 2006

Finally, a copy of the misplaced entry on NFLD #39 to call my own - March 8, 2006

Another nice 1¢ Admiral (see #17) - Courtesy of Ralph Keir - March 8, 2006

The 5¢ Beaver Major Re-entry on cover is now in my collection - February 22, 2006

A sad day for Canadian Philately - Harry Sutherland 1930-2006 - February 14, 2006

A much clearer copy of the GB Misplaced Entry (stamp #3) on the 1d red, plate 56, J-G - Submitted by Scott Treacey - February 3, 2006

Updated my bio on my Background Info page - January 21, 2006

A marvelous NEW unrecorded major re-entry on F1, the 2¢ RLS, has been found - Courtesy of Harry Voss - January 19, 2006

New Handbook available to re-entry collectors by Ron Waldston, PLATE VARIETIES OF THE 1 CENT SMALL QUEEN, 24 pages, full of line drawings of re-entries and other varieties. Available from Unitrade. - January 14, 2006

New GUESTBOOK finally added on Index page! PLEASE feel free to leave a message - January 11, 2006

A copy of the 7-1/2d with re-entered imprint - Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella - December 27, 2005

A newly discovered re-entry on the $5 Jubilee - December 27, 2005

New re-entries/misplaced entries added on the Half Cent, Three Cents and Fifteen Cents Jubilees - December 26, 2005

More and better scans of B42 on the 3d Beaver added - Courtesy of Michael D. Smith - December 26, 2005

Scans of the Imprint block of 10 and the single of the Misplaced Entry on the One Cent Decimal - Courtesy of John Jamieson - December 26, 2005

A 7¢ Red Brown Admiral with numerous pairs of diagonal line in the lower left - December 26, 2005

Reorganized single Jubilee page into 5 new pages in order to accommodate a number of new listings (coming soon)

         Page 1 - ½¢ to 3¢ // Page 2 - 5¢ to 6¢ // Page 3 - 8¢ to 10¢ // Page 4 - 15¢ to 50¢ // Page 5 - $1 to $5 - December 10, 2005

A beautiful dropped roll on the 2¢ carmine Admiral, stamp #21 on my 2¢ Admiral page - Courtesy of Ralph Keir - November 9, 2005

A lovely misplaced entry on the 6¢ Maple Leaf - Courtesy of Earl Noss - November 9, 2005

Added 14 plate positions to my 1d & 2d Great Britain pages, courtesy of Scott Treacey - November 9, 2005

Re-entry No. 1 on the 1¢ Decimal (Scott #14) is finally seen, and it is SO much more than it appears in Whitworth! It is actually a marvelous twisted misplaced entry! (See it here on a plate proof.) - Courtesy of Dr. Jim Watt - October 17, 2005

A pair of Jubilees ($1 & $2) submitted by Saskatoon Stamp or slip prints?? - October 11, 2005

The first recorded re-entry on NFLD Scott #62 from 1897 - September 25, 2005

A yellow brown copy of the 6¢ LQ re-entry, pp5 - September 25, 2005

Another lovely copy of the B25 5¢ on 6¢ SQ has surfaced - Courtesy of Garfield Portch - September 24, 2005

Two more ‘strands of hair’ added on the One Cent SQ, one very long and one very short - September 6, 2005

A new page explaining my back-lighting method for viewing light-coloured stamps - September 6, 2005

The plate position of the fourth ‘lesser’ 5 on 6 is determined - Courtesy of David Eisenhauer - September 5, 2005

Proof - The Plate for the 6¢ SQ yellow brown DID become Plate A! - September 4, 2005

Additional information and plate positions added for all 16 Hawaiian re-entries - August 31, 2005

Another re-entry on Newfoundland Scott #1 - August 21, 2005

The 1d Major Re-entry on Newfoundland Scott #1 from Plate Position #25 - August 20, 2005

Finally seen, the major re-entry on the 1d NFLD Scott #15A - August 19, 2005

Added a full copy scan of the misplaced entry on the 1¢ Admiral - August 19, 2005

Added the strongest misplaced entry I have ever seen on the 1¢ green Admiral (see right below the major) - August 10, 2005

Added another dozen 1¢ green Edwards - August 10, 2005

New scans and more re-entries added to the 1¢ green King Edward VII - August 8, 2005

A new page has been added with 16 re-entries/misplaced entries on the 2¢ brown of Hawaii, Scott #75, 1894 - August 8, 2005

Another 8 items added to the 2¢ + 1¢ brown War Tax Admiral - August 8, 2005

Another page added for 15 strange vertical dashes on the 3¢ brown Admiral - August 6, 2005

More 3¢ brown Admiral close-ups - August 5, 2005

More info added to the page on over-rocked transfer roll on the 3¢ brown Admiral - August 5, 2005

Added 15 new 3¢ brown Admiral re-entries, including a nice misplaced entry and several majors - August 4, 2005

Separated the 3¢ Admiral page into one for brown and one for carmine - August 3, 2005

A new page added to examine a possible over-rocked transfer roll on the 3¢ brown Admiral - August 1, 2005

A completely doubled Switzerland stamp on a picture postcard - July 30, 2005

Added another 20 Rhodesia 1/2d Admiral re-entries, some strong, some minor - July 30, 2005

A nice 3¢ brown Admiral re-entry, courtesy Paul Polson - July 29, 2005

A second page added for Rhodesia with a nice re-entry on the 1/2d Admiral - July 26, 2005

The “Union Jack” GB 1d re-entry, courtesy of Paul Townley - July 24, 2005

A new page added for Great Britain Two Pence blues, with a misplaced entry, courtesy Mitch West - July 23, 2005

More links added to Miscellaneous section of Index page - July 23, 2005

Added a pair AND the world’s largest block (6 X 3) of the 6¢ SQ yellow brown Major, courtesy Ted Nixon - July 20, 2005

A full-stamp scan added of a newly discovered copy of the 5¢ on 6¢ SQ, B25,  courtesy Ted Nixon - July 17, 2005

Two more re-entries on the 12d Black - July 17, 2005

The “VR Re-entry” pp B53 of the Three Pence, courtesy William Coates of Coates & Coates - July 15, 2005

A dated pair of the 1¢ green Admiral Major Re-entry, courtesy Eastern Auctions - July 15, 2005

Position C26, the fifth ‘lesser’ 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen - July 13, 2005

Rescanned and enlarged the photos of all of the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen foreign transfers - July 10, 2005

Added three re-entries on the 2¢ Quebec Tercentenary, courtesy Dr. Michael Sendbuehler - July 10, 2005

Thirteen new re-entries on New Zealand Scott #85, some major, most minor - July 9, 2005

Additions & changes to 5¢ Beaver page: new plate positions #61 & #57; three new unknown pp’s; several new copies added to stamps already shown; a couple of different states added of stamps already shown; plus another copy of THE Major, but with nasty ‘killer’ cancel - July 3, 2005

A few more plate positions added to 5¢ Beaver re-entries, courtesy Michael D. Smith - July 1, 2005

Calder re-entry numbers added to 5¢ Beavers - July 1, 2005

Another copy of the 10¢ Jubilee pp3 re-entry - June 30, 2005

Another copy of the Major Re-entry on the 6¢ LQ showing the doubling of the ‘S’ more clearly - June 30, 2005

A block of 5¢ Maple Leaves with 3 of the 4 stamps having re-entries - June 30, 2005

A new page entitled ‘What Is It?’ with odd and curious items - June 25, 2005

Another 3d re-entry A33 reported by Michael Smith - June 25, 2005

A new page started for Twelve Pence Black re-entries - June 25, 2005

The 5¢ Beaver Major Re-entry on cover, reported by Henry J. Delesalle - June 24, 2005

Added tiny ‘favicon’ (re-entry logo) to the browser title of every page (you may need to clear your cache to see it) - May 24, 2005

A second page has been added to the 15¢ Large Queen Major Re-entry section with questions about a different state or... - May 14, 2005

Two more France re-entries added to my Foreign page - February 20, 2005

Re-organized the Medallions+ and Modern pages into three separate pages, Medallions, Post-Medallions, and Modern, and added a new page for Airmails & Special Delivery - February 19, 2005

Two re-entries added on the Half Cent Large Queen from the Horace Harrison Collection - February 13, 2005

Re-entries added on Scott #'s 202, 208, 213, 218, 233 & E4 - February 13, 2005

One misplaced entry added on Newfoundland Scott #81-82 - February 13, 2005

Another nice re-entry on the 5¢ Admiral violet, (see #13), courtesy of Randall van Someren - February 11, 2005

Sharper scans of the Foreign Entry on the 5¢ Numeral added - February 11, 2005

Another 2¢ Edward misplaced entry (see #8 on the page) - February 11, 2005

A major misplaced entry on the 3¢ carmine Admiral submitted by Randall van Someren - February 8, 2005

A major misplaced entry on U.S.A. Scott #68 submitted by Michael D. Smith - February 8, 2005

New page added for the Virgin Islands, with one major re-entry to start it off - February 8, 2005

Finally, a second copy of the misplaced entry on NFLD #39 has been reported by Stephen Baker - February 6, 2005

Added a link for free online access to all three volumes of Cimon Morin's CANADIAN PHILATELY: Bibliography and Index - February 4, 2005

Better close-ups of 5B91 the Map Stamp major - February 4, 2005

An incredible Major Fresh Entry on the 1d Nova Scotia, Courtesy of Eastern Auctions Ltd - February 2, 2005

My counter clicked over at the 10,000th visitor to this site today! THANK YOU ALL! - February 1st, 2005

Six more Map Stamp re-entries and another 1¢ Admiral War Tax major - February 1, 2005

Added new scans from proofs of Ten Cent Decimal Re-entries, courtesy of John Jamieson - January 30, 2005

Fixed link to Misplaced Entries on the One Cent Numeral page - January 28, 2005

Philatelic Literature: A Bibliography - (new button on Index) a list of some of the resources in my personal library - January 27, 2005

A Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika Official re-entry - January 26, 2005

A very odd One Cent Decimal submitted by David Eisenhauer - plate damage? - misplaced entry? - dropped transfer roll? - January 18, 2005

Another 8¢ and 10¢ Columbian added to my USA pages, submitted by Michael D. Smith - January 16, 2005

Another Jackson re-entry (11 scans) added to my USA pages, submitted by Michael D. Smith - January 15, 2005

After 75+ years, a misplaced serial number on the 1929 50¢ Bluenose is reported - see #19 on Re-entered Imprints page - January 14, 2005

Six more Half Cent SQ re-entries, and larger scans of previous ones - January 13, 2005

New button added on Main Index for BNA Topics list of re-entry articles (titles are forthcoming) - January 12, 2005

A possible Plate 2 (Left Pane) re-entry on the Half Cent Numeral submitted by Earl Noss - January 11, 2005

New link added to on Links page. This is an incredible new resource for BNA collectors, as well as re-entry collectors. Thanks to the late Horace Harrison, the entire contents of every single issue of BNA Topics, the official publication of BNAPS, from issue #1 to #481, 1944- 1999, is now online for the enjoyment and use of all collectors everywhere! Only the issues from 2000 onwards are restricted to BNAPS members. There is a separate listing of all the Table of Contents pages that you can browse through first if you wish. I will soon be adding a list here of issues containing articles on re-entries to make it easier for you to find those. This is a marvelous addition to our online resources! - January 10, 2005

17 new re-entries (46 scans) added to U.S.A. page - January 7, 2005

Old Guestbook reinstated - will try to get it working - January 6, 2005

One Cent Admiral page re-done, with several new additions - January 6, 2005

New Guestbook has been removed. I apologize for the pop-up ads and extra browser windows. - January 5, 2005

Two Cent Admirals divided into separate carmine and green pages - January 5, 2005

70 new Carmine Admirals added on three pages (descriptions to follow) - January 5, 2005

A new page added for Admiral War Tax stamps - January 3, 2005

Many additions to the Admirals 4¢-$1 page - January 1, 2005

New GUESTBOOK added - hopefully this one will work - PLEASE SIGN, even if you signed my old one - January 1, 2005

Ten more Newfoundland 3¢ Long Coronation re-entries - December 31, 2004

An additional 30 re-entries & flaws on the Five Cents Registered Letter Stamp - December 30, 2004

All 22 re-entries found on the Right Pane of the Half Cent Numeral - December 28, 2004

Two more misplaced entries (#2 & #7, a booklet stamp) and another major re-entry (#8) on the 2¢ Edward - December 27, 2004

More Quebec Tercentenary scans and re-entries - December 22, 2004

Replaced the photos of the Half Cent Maple Leaf re-entries with better scans, and added 8 more - December 21, 2004

Several more misplaced entries on the 1¢ Numeral, and added close-ups of others - December 13, 2004

Another major re-entry on the 1¢ Numeral (many more to come) - December 10, 2004

Close-ups added of the 20¢ Quebec Tercentenary, along with a minor re-entry and a retouch - December 6, 2004

Added several re-entries on Scott #224 & 226 - December 6, 2004

Reorganized the Modern page to include re-entries from 1953 onward - December 6, 2004

Reorganized the Medallions page to include re-entries up to 1953 - December 6, 2004

New Zealand's Major Re-entry on Scott #101, courtesy of Bob Turkowski - December 4, 2004

The Retouched Major Re-entry on the 5¢ Medallion - December 3, 2004

Fifteen additional re-entries on the 2¢ Edward, and closeups of the re-entries on the 7¢ Edward - November 30, 2004

Position #10 of the 50¢ Widow Weeds, submitted by Glenn Archer - November 28, 2004

Two possible re-entries on LQs - November 25, 2004

Thirty-five more scans of various items, some new: Jubilees, Medallions, Modern Re-entries - November 25

Twenty-seven scans showing close-ups of 1¢ Decimal pp58, 5¢ Decimal pp28, and four 10¢ Decimals - November 24, 2004

Six more re-entries on the 50¢ Widow Weeds (17 scans) - November 23, 2004

Sixty-three scans of 27 stamps added, of 6¢ Small Queen re-entries (18 yellow brown & 9 red brown) - November 17, 2004

Twelve more re-entries on the 2¢ Small Queen, some major - November 14, 2004

The Major Re-entry pp63 "Queen's Neck Re-entry" on the 1d Rhodesia - November 11, 2004

Another Major Re-entry on the 3¢ SQ, submitted by Michael D. Smith - November 7, 2004

Another Rhodesian 1 Shilling 'Double Head' - November 6, 2004

Many, many new descriptions added to many pages, and font styles adjusted - November 5, 2004

The 50¢ Widow Weeds so-called 'Major' re-entry from position #6, plus better closeups of the 8¢ & 10¢ SQ re-entries - November 4, 2004

A page describing my scanning techniques of stamps and re-entries - November 4, 2004

A fifth re-entry (misplaced) on the 1¢ Quebec Tercentenary - November 3, 2004

A batch of new Australian re-entries and Scott numbers added for the rest - October 30, 2004

A new page devoted to re-entries of Rhodesia with contributions by Alan Hanks - October 30, 2004

Three re-entries on the 5¢ Caribou Issue of Newfoundland of 1941-44, #257, including one major one that has been plated - October 27, 2004

Another re-entry on the 5¢ Caribou of 1932, Newfoundland Definitive Issue, #191. Reported by a collector in France! - October 27, 2004

A new foreign transfer on the 4d New Zealand, plus better 50X closeups of the two previously listed ones - October 22, 2004

Another lovely copy of the 5¢ Beaver Major Re-entry - October 22, 2004

A major, overall re-entry on a 2¢ Phillippines (See Foreign Re-entries) - October 9, 2004

My new computer microscope, The ProScope by Scalar - October 7, 2004

The so-called Major Re-entry on the 6¢ LQ, pp93 - October 7, 2004

A Major Misplaced Entry or Foreign Entry on the 6¢ Large Queen (scroll to #5) discovered by Harry Voss - October 6, 2004

Mexico E3 10 Centavos Special Delivery - nice re-entry on a full sheet of 30 - October 5, 2004

2¢ Admiral Carmine - Plate 2 Imprint Block of 10 with a 2.5 cm Misplaced Imprint - October 2, 2004

Jubilees - some new, clearer scans for 10¢ and more for the 8¢ - October 1, 2004

U.S.A. 1994 BEP Souvenir Sheets Double Transfers - Part Two by Michael D. Smith - June 25, 2004

U.S.A. 1994 BEP Souvenir Sheets Double Transfers - Part One by Michael D. Smith - June 23, 2004

Kershaw/Boisclair Map Stamp books: Roger Boisclair has very generously offered visitors to this website the same discount on the Map books offered to the 1898 Imperial Penny Postage Study Group of BNAPS members. Click HERE to download a copy of the SPECIAL Pricelist in PDF Format. When ordering be SURE to mention you saw this at RE-ENTRIES.COM in order to get the SPECIAL price! - June 22, 2004

June 3, 2004...NOTE: It has just come to my attention that my Guestbook posting software has not been working for awhile.If you have tried posting Feedback on my Guestbook Page, but it did not appear, PLEASE try again. I have updated the software and it should now be working.

My re-entry want list - May 29, 2004

Photo of my pitiful 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen (poor thing!) - May 29, 2004

Larger photos of 5¢ Edward Major Re-entry & Major Misplaced Entry - May29, 2004

Finally added, the Major Misplaced Entry on the 2¢ Edward, 86UL93 - May 28, 2004

Additional Info on U.S. #467, 5¢ on 2¢ Washington

Announcement about Ken Kershaw & Roger Boisclair's 4th Volume of Map Stamp books

Photo of yours truly;

40 new re-entries on the 2¢ Numeral;

My explanation for 'odd' re-entries on the 5¢ Numeral;


New Guinea;

Even MORE Australia; Australia SG 116, The two Swan re-entries;

Index page - I have added a link to my Classification System for Re-entries & Misplaced Entries;

 ((Numerous smaller scans are gradually being replaced with larger ones.))

Trinidad 1d Re-entry;

Another Ten Pence pp90;

Great Britain Penny Reds - 16 additional re-entries;

More Map close-ups; Map Stamp;

NFLD 24¢, 25¢ & 48¢ Long Coronation Issues;

24 more re-entries on the 5¢ Decimal Issue;

17¢ Decimal;

Numerous additions to NFLD, #39, 147, 156, 160, 191 & Canada #17, 20, 341;

NFLD 1¢ Publicity Issue, including a 2.0mm Misplaced Entry;

NFLD Scott #'s 58-113; 3¢ Long Coronation Issue; 14¢ NFLD Long Coronation Issue; 7¢ NFLD Long Coronation Issue;

Ten Pence - Another re-entry and larger scans.

Unreported Re-entries on the Jubilees ($1, $2 & $3);

Various Maple Leaves;

Various Small Queen pages;

Half Cent Numeral;

3d Pence Issue;

2¢ & 3¢ Numerals;

1¢ Numeral (42 more Major Re-entries);

Ten Pence;

Newfoundland (Sc. #40);

3d Nova Scotia; Jubilees;

Misplaced & Re-entered Imprint on Scott #219;

Another copy of the 3d Beaver Major Re-entry from B61;

15¢ Large Queen - A newly discovered copy of the Major Re-entry has been reported;

New Zealand - another Foreign Entry added;

Map Stamp photos;

1¢ Numeral photos;

5¢ Numeral - a Foreign Entry found (2 new close-ups added);

10¢ on 1¢ Numeral pages - Incredible new discovery with much more added info & scans;

TEN Major Re-entries on the One Half Penny, Scott #8. Click HERE to jump right to them.

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