Re-entries Long
Coronation Issue 1937 3¢ Newfoundland Map (orange brown)
value of the Long Coronation Issue is another that seems to
have been completely ignored by the literature and
catalogues when it comes to re-entries, yet there are a
number of lovely ones to found on the 3¢. While a
goodly number of doubled frameline re-entries exist, there
are a few that I would consider of major proportions.
Interestingly, all of the good re-entries I have found are
on the Die I design. I have in my collection a lower half
pane of 50 of the Die I and two half panes of 50 of the Die
II (one is a left half and the other is a top half).
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The Major
Plate 1, Die
Plate Position
This stamp shows very clear
doubling of the right side of the design, including
'POSTAGE,' the LR '3,' 'NTS' and the corner of the
frameline. On the left side of the stamp, there is doubling
of 'LABRADOR' and 'Corner Brook.'

A Major
Plate 1, Die
Plate Position
This stamp shows a strong shift of
the entire bottom portion of the design, including both 3's
and all of 'THREE CENTS.' The inside edge of the left side
of the portrait oval is also slightly doubled.

Plate 1, Die
Plate Position
This re-entry shows sharp doubling
of the lower right '3,' as well as the top of 'NTS' and
portions of the bottom frameline. There is also a very
distinctive retouch under the left '3.'

Scott #234
Strong Re-entry
Plate 1, Die II
Plate Position #34
This is a very interesting constant plate variety and it occurs on a Die II stamp. It is uncertain as to just what kind of variety this is in the 'N', as it does not look like a typical re-entry. It would be a most unusual retouch as well. There also appears to be some doubling in the 'E' of POSTAGE.

Scott #234
Re-entry 1
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This stamp shows doubling in the lower right corner.

Scott #234
Re-entry 2
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This stamp shows doubling of the entire right frameline.

Scott #234
Re-entry 3
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This stamp also shows doubling of the entire right frameline, but it is stronger than the above re-entry.

Scott #234
Re-entry 4
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This stamp shows doubling of the top frameline above 'WFOUN' and the upper right inner and outer vertical framelines.

Scott #234
Re-entry 5
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This stamp shows doubling of the upper left horizontal frameline.

Scott #234
Re-entry 6
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This pair of stamps shows vertical doubling of the right frameline of the left stamp, as well as horizontal doubling of the top frameline of the right stamp.

Scott #234
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position #
Scott #234
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position #
*13 |
Scott #234
Misplaced Entry a
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
While searching for re-entries on this stamp, I came across several items that appear to have a misplaced portion of design across a very narrow vertical band through the 'r' of 'Corner' and the 'F' of NEWFOUNDLAND. This design element appears to wear off of the plate, as seen in the following two examples.
Any further information on this variety would be welcome. |

*14 |
Scott #234
Misplaced Entry b
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This state is somewhat worn compared to the above. |

*15 |
Scott #234
Misplaced Entry c
Plate 1, Die I
Plate Position Unknown
This state is even more worn, with all of the detail above the 'r' now missing.
Interestingly, this stamp also shows a slight re-entry of the left vertical frameline that is not present on the earlier states. |

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Ralph E. Trimble
Specialist in BNA
[email protected]