
1865 Second Issue

Low Values ... FB18 1¢ through FB32 50¢

Canada's Revenue Stamps is another area in which re-entries occurred. They can be found on just about all of the various revenue areas. I don't have very many, but I will share with you the ones I have acquired over the years.

You will notice that there are no re-entries at all listed for the First Issue of Bill Stamps. This is because they were all printed by typography, as opposed to being engraved.

(Note: Catalogue numbers are from E.S.J. van Dam's, THE CANADIAN REVENUE STAMP CATALOGUE, 2009 Edition, published by The Unitrade Press, Toronto, Ontario.)


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van Dam # FB18

1¢ Red


(Scroll down to #23 FB29 for first listing.)


van Dam # FB18

1¢ Red




van Dam # FB19

2¢ Red




van Dam # FB19

2¢ Red




van Dam # FB20

3¢ Red




van Dam # FB20

3¢ Red




van Dam # FB21

4¢ Red




van Dam # FB21

4¢ Red



van Dam # FB22

5¢ Red





van Dam # FB22

5¢ Red




van Dam # FB23

6¢ Red




van Dam # FB23

6¢ Red





van Dam # FB24

7¢ Red




van Dam # FB24

7¢ Red




van Dam # FB25

8¢ Red




van Dam # FB25

8¢ Red




van Dam # FB26

9¢ Red




van Dam # FB26

9¢ Red




van Dam # FB27

10¢ Blue




van Dam # FB27

10¢ Blue




van Dam # FB28

20¢ Blue




van Dam # FB28

20¢ Blue




van Dam # FB29 Proof

30¢ Blue

This is an interesting re-entry showing slightly in the 'IL' of BILL, and more strongly shifted in the 'MP' of STAMP and 30, indicating a counter-clockwise twist with the point of the twist centering around the UL corner. There are also some markings in the scroll area at the UR. Marks are also found in the LL corner, with odd markings in the 'D' and above in the white frame and on the lower neck.


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


van Dam # FB29

30¢ Blue




van Dam # FB30

30¢ Red




van Dam # FB30

30¢ Red





van Dam # FB31

40¢ Blue





van Dam # FB31

40¢ Blue





van Dam # FB32

50¢ Blue





van Dam # FB32

50¢ Blue






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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]