
Five Cents

Scott #38/42

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Five Cents

The Major Re-entry

Plate 1 (1889)

Position #196 of 200

Doubling is found throughout the lower portion of the design, including the portrait oval, both 5’s and ‘CENTS.’ Note the distinctive slash in the ‘N’ of ‘CENTS.’ 


















The RETrimble Collection - Ex Simpson


Five Cents

A Major Re-entry

Position is not known, but it is from the second row on the sheet.

If only all copies of the 5¢ SQ could be as sharp and clean as this one! Note the lovely doubling in all of ‘CANADA POSTAGE.’










The re-entry is on the lower stamp, above. From the RET Collection.


Five Cents

A Strong Re-entry

Plate 1 (1889)

Position #18 of 200

Doubling is found in ‘DA POS’ as well as the lower left corner.












Five Cents


Doubling of the upper right corner framelines.







Five Cents

Minor Re-entry

Slight doubling of the lower left corner framelines.








Five Cents

Misaligned Pair and

Short Transfer

I included this photo here for two reasons:

First, and most obvious, is the short transfer in the upper left corner of the right stamp.

Second, a closer look will show that the two stamps are not aligned properly on the plate, the left stamp being entered lower than the right. This would often lead to a fresh entry if the misalignment had been noticed and one of the designs burnished from the plate and entered again in its proper position.










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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]