

I have only seen this one re-entry on Ceylon so far. Any reports and scans of others are welcomed.

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Scott #4

Major Re-entry

This is a twisted re-entry showing in the 'C' and 'N' of CEYLON, as well as much of POSTAGE and TWO PENCE at the bottom. Doubling is also seen in both lower corner ornaments, as well as the panel above the 'T' of  TWO and to the left of the panel containing POSTAGE. There is doubling on the portrait itself, showing most noticeably on the nose, upper lip and eyebrow. There is also slight doubling found in the hair and jewels of the tiara.





















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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #13  1859

Two Shillings Blue


This re-entry shows in much of the lettering, as well as the inner and outer framelines.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #



Scott #




Scott #53d

Major Re-entry

This stamp shows sharp doubling in the lower portion of the design, seen in SIX PENCE, POSTAGE, and both corner ornaments.

Courtesy of Peter Spencer
























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^ Courtesy of Peter Spencer ^


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #




Scott #




Scott #






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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]