NEW ZEALAND Re-entries
New Zealand has some wonderful re-entries and misplaced entries. Following are some that I have found. At present, the listings below are not in the proper Scott order, but added as they became available. I hope to reorganize this page into several different pages with the various issues properly grouped together. *** THIS PAGE IS ON MY LIST FOR A COMPLETE OVERHAUL! COMING SOON! *** |
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The Chalon Heads are so special in New Zealand re-entries and misplaced entries that I have given them their own page. Click HERE to visit the Chalon page. |
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New Zealand Scott #108 1d 'Universal Postage' Re-entry Here is a nice little re-entry in PENNY.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #151 1916-1926 Foreign Entry 2 1/2d on 4d Plate 20 Row 4 Number 10 This is another denominational error, similar to the U.S. 5¢ on 2¢ seen elsewhere. Here the remnants of the '2' and the slash (/) of the 1/2 can be seen in the UL numeral box. I find these errors delightful! My first copy of this stamp was a gift to me from the late Bill Percy. These can also be found on the yellow printings, although they are much more difficult to see. *March 16, 2006 - I just acquired a beautiful block of 4 of the yellow colour with the foreign transfer on the upper right stamp. Scroll down to see the block and a close-up of the UL corner of the UR stamp. Also note the odd perforations on the bottom pair of the block.
50X 50X 50X ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #151 1916-1926 Foreign Entry 4 1/2d on 4d Plate 20 Row 1 Number 6 This is another denominational error, similar to the U.S. 5¢ on 2¢ seen elsewhere. Here the remnants of the '4 1/2' can be seen in the UR numeral box. There are also marks in the crown and in the top margin. I find these errors delightful! These can also be found on the yellow printings, although they are much more difficult to see.
50X 50X 50X 50X ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand
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New Zealand Scott #151 1916-1926 Foreign Entry 4 1/2d on 4d ?? Plate ? Row ? Number ? This is another denominational error, similar to the U.S. 5¢ on 2¢ seen elsewhere. Here remnants can be seen in the UR numeral box. This is very similar to the two stamps shown above, but the plate position of this one is not known. The website from which I got the other plate positions does not list this one. These can also be found on the yellow printings, although they are much more difficult to see.
50X ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #101 or 109 One and One Half Penny The Major Re-entry Plate 197690 R2/12 This is a stamp I knew existed, but until now, had never seen it. This is one of New Zealand's finest re-entries, with the entire design completely and strongly doubled in a clockwise twist of the transfer roll. This is easily seen in the upper corner frames, the value tablet, NEW ZEALAND, both men and both horses, and the entire background behind them. This scan was sent in by a new correspondent, Bob Turkowski. Aug. 2009 - I have finally been able to acquire a couple of copies of this lovely re-entry, and have added some larger scans below Bob's.
Scan submitted by Bob Turkowski ^From the RETrimble Collection^ |
*8 | New Zealand Scott #76 1898 Four Pence Plate Position Row 1, No. 10 Major Re-entry There is doubling within the upper 9 beads in the oval at the r ight, as well asmore in the inner white oval, with horizontal lines in the outer white oval in the upper portion, and again in the middle of the white oval seen below the ‘4’ and ‘5’ of the cancellation.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*9 | New Zealand Scott #76 1898 Four Pence Plate Position Row 2, No. 5 Major Re-entry There is doubling of the 9 beads in the upper right oval similar to the above stamp, as well as in the inner white oval below the beads, and the outer white oval above the beads, but not as extensively as the above stamp. However, on this stamp there is also an indication of doubling in some of the lettering in ‘ZEALAND’.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*10 | New Zealand Scott #76 1898 Four Pence Plate Position Row 2, No. 9 Major Re-entry This is another major re-entry similar to the above two, with doubling in 11 of the beads, in the white oval below the beads, and slightly in the white oval above the beads, but this one has clear markings of re-entry in much of ‘ZEALAND’.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*11 | New Zealand Scott #76 1898 Four Pence Plate Position Row 8, No. 8 Major Re-entry Here is another major similar to the above three stamps, with doubling in the beads and above the beads, but also a number of extensions of background lines out into the right margin inside the outer frameline. Courtesy of John Tannahill
^ Courtesy of John Tannahill^ |
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New Zealand Scott #85 1900 One Penny Re-entry There is doubling of the inner frame at the top just above the ‘N’ of ZEALAND. For a close-up of this re-entry and a dozen more like it, click HERE.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #85 1900 One Penny Major Re-entry There is a strong shift visible in ‘LAND’ of ZEALAND.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #85 1900 One Penny Major Re-entry There is a strong shift visible in ‘LAND’ of ZEALAND, which is similar to the above. Doubling is also found near the bottom in the final ‘E’ of REVENUE.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #85 1900 One Penny Strong Re-entry There is a strong line of doubling in the bottom of ‘AL’ and ‘D’ of ‘ZEALAND.’
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
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New Zealand Scott #85 1900 One Penny Strong Re-entry There is a strong line of doubling in the top of ‘AN’ of ZEALAND.
^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ |
*17 | New Zealand Scott #74 1898 2 1/2d Major Re-entry There is a strrong re-entry in the lower right corner of the design, including 'LAKE WAKATIPU' and the '2 1/2D'. Two copies are shown here, the first courtesy of Mike Burrington, and the second courtesy of Earl Noss.
^ Courtesy of Mike Burrington ^ ^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^ |
*18 | New Zealand Scott #84 1900 One Penny Re-entry There is nice doubling of the UR corner, showing in the 'ND' of ZEALAND, the 'R NU' of REVENUE, and part of the central oval. This stamp surprised me...While it appears to me to be a typographed stamp, and therefore not a re-entry, a check of my Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue tells me this issue was engraved!?! Really??? Courtesy of Mike Burrington
^ Courtesy of Mike Burrington ^ |
*19 | New Zealand Scott #117 1902-07 One Penny Major Re-entry Position: Row 1, Stamp #5 There is a major re-entry on the left side of this stamp which is indicated in Pim's book on New Zealand stamps as being the strongest on this value. Courtesy of Earl Noss
This re-entry is very high on my WANT LIST!
^ Courtesy of Earl Noss ^ |
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Ralph E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries |