
Ten Pence


This is one of the true Classic stamps of Canada. It is also one of the most beautiful. Printed in sheets of 120 (12 X 10), there are a great many re-entries to be found, some of them quite major. Varying greatly in quality of paper and crispness of the image, these re-entries are most easily seen on the plate proofs. Below are those that I have been able to acquire or scan so far. If you have any others that I do not presently show here, please send me 1200ppi scans in TIFF or JPG format, uncompressed.

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position #29

This is THE strongest of the many beautiful re-entries that are found on this classic. The main identifying characteristic of this re-entry is the heavy line through the bottom of CANADA. However, plate position #1, seen further below, also has a line through CANADA, and it is often mistaken for this one because of it. However, further inspection and comparision between the two reveals much more doubling visible on this position than #1. There is clear evidence of doubling in all of the letters of POSTAGE, as well as TEN CENTS. There is strong doubling in the white oval above CANADA and below TAGE. The numerals in all four corners are also doubled. This is truly a classic re-entry on a classic stamp!

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi ^

^ Courtesy of Beverly Fox, Weeda Stamps Inc. ^

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position #1

This is one of the nicest of the several 10d major re-entries, with the distinctive line in the bottom of 'ANAD.' There are many other details, as well. This is the same re-entry that is pictured on the front of the dust jacket of Boggs' Quarterman Reprint of The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada. It is very often confused with THE Major Re-entry found in plate position #29. Two more copies have been reported and their scans added below the first one. Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi and Michael D. Smith.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Above scan is Courtesy of Domenic DiMartella-Orsi ^

^ Above scan is Courtesy of Michael D. Smith ^

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

Plate Proof in colour of issue

A Major Re-entry

Plate Position #9

This re-entry shows a considerable shift to the left. Note the doubling of the left vertical frameline in the lower left, as well as the numerous markings in the white ovals.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

A Strong Re-entry

Plate Position #53

Unlike the other major re-entries on this stamp, this one shows doubling in the tops of the lettering of CANADA and the oval below. Sharp doubling is also found in and below POSTAGE, TEN PENCE, extensions of the portrait lines into the white oval above 'NC', below the 'CE', the white oval in front of Cartier's face, all four corner numerals, the outer white oval, and the framelines.

Note the nasty hole on the right side. This 'appeared' after I soaked the stamp as soon as I received it from an auction. The ink looked a little 'fishy' in this area and I guess I should have just returned it instead of soaking it. A rather expensive lesson!

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

Plate Proof in Orange

Plate Position #16

This one has lots of delightful little bits of doubling throughout the design, but note particularly the strong doubling of the oval band at left-centre.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

Plate Position #17

Note the doubling in 'ADA' of CANADA, the top of the 'E' of POSTAGE and the spandrel line above it. Markings can also be found the lower portion of the design and TEN PENCE, along with the oval band at the left.

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Scott #7

Ten Pence

Plate Position #90

This one shows a shift to the left involving the inner vertical frameline on the left side, above 'CANA' and in 'POS.' The value in the upper left corner is doubled, and all inner framelines appear to be strengthened. There is also a short transfer at the bottom.



Courtesy of Harry Voss

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See the page of scans of colour photocopies for more re-entries and details. 






















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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]