
Pictorial Issues 1923-1931


Scott #156

The First Nonstop Transatlantic Flight

Only two re-entries have surfaced on this stamp so far.


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Scott #156i

15¢ First Nonstop Transatlantic Flight

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #20

This is a lovely major re-entry that was discovered by the late Bill Macdonald of Saskatoon. Doubling is found throughout the lower portion of the design, but is most obvious in the 5's of both 15's.

I am still searching for a copy of this re-entry. If anyone has a copy they would be willing to sell or trade, please let me know.**

**I finally found a copy (March 2018)!


^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #156iii

15¢ First Nonstop Transatlantic Flight

Major Re-entry

This lovely re-entry, only the second one I have seen on this issue, turned up on eBay recently and I just had to have it. Notice the very sharp, clear doubling in the lower right corner, including the LR '15' and its surrounding ornaments, as well as the adjacent lettering and lines.

The RETrimble Collection


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


*13 Scott #
*14 Scott #
*15 Scott #
*16 Scott #
*17 Scott #
*18 Scott #
*19 Scott #
*20 Scott #
*21 Scott #
*22 Scott #
*23 Scott #
*24 Scott #
*25 Scott #


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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]