
Scott #195-200  1932

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There are only two known re-entries on the Medallion Issue, both of which were retouched.  I would love to know of any more.

*Note that there are many copies that 'appear' to be re-entered at the top and bottom of the design, but are actually Shifted Transfers, not re-entries!

*See my Terminology page for an explanation of shifted transfers.


Scott #199i  1932

5¢ Medallion

The Major Re-entry

Plate Position 1UL10

This is one of the better-known Canadian re-entries, as it has been catalogued for many years. Doubling is found in all of the letters of CANADA and in the white oval below. There is also doubling in the upper right crown, particularly on the right side. (See red arrow.) This is an important part of the re-entry, as you will see from the next description.

Below the ‘normal’ scans is an upper roght corner block of 4 of Scott #199a, horizontal imperf pair, with the major re-entry in the UR. This block is Courtesy of Maxime Stephanie Harold.




























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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ Courtesy of Maxime Stephanie Harold ^


Scott #199iii

5¢ Medallion

The Retouched

Major Re-entry

Position 1UL10

Here is the actual retouched version of the Major Re-entry shown above. The doubling of the lettering of CANADA was corrected, as well as the doubling of the portrait oval lines. There ARE still signs of the re-entry, however, the main one being the line in the crown on the right side (see red arrow above), as well as the other doubled details of the corner design. Another more subtle sign is the size of the centre portion of the first 'A' of CANADA.















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^ The RETrimble Collection ^

Retouch ^

Re-entry ^

Retouch ^

Re-entry ^


Scott #199ii

5¢ Medallion

The ‘Bluenose’ Re-entry

Plate Position 2UL79

This re-entry gets its ‘nickname’ from the fact that the shift resulted in a doubling of the horizontal lines on the King’s nose. There are also extensions of lines in the S.E. portion of the portrait oval.














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^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

^ The 'Normal' Nose ^

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^


Scott #199iv

5¢ Medallion

The Retouched

‘Bluenose’ Re-entry

Plate Position 2UL79

I am excited to finally be able to present the actual retouched Bluenose re-entry, Courtesy of Scott Robinson!

The middle stamp in the top row of this block of 6 has been discovered to be the retouched version of the Bluenose re-entry. 

With this discovery, I was actually finally made aware of several points about the Bluenose that I did not know about.

To see the differences, there is a close-up of the retouched image below the block, with no markings. The below that there is a copy of the same stamp, but the relevant portions are circled in orange.

There are 6 areas to examine...

1. The dots between the ear and the sideburn are different from the normal

2. The shading behind the ear is different.

3. There is a curved line of doubling of the back of the head that is not there on the normal stamp.

4. There remains a dot on the moustache that was not removed.

5. There is a dot at the front mid-point of the beard that was not removed.

6. The two diagonal shading lines directly to the lower right of the dot are different from the normal stamp. (The orange circle just below the nostril is cutting right through the middle of them.)

I wish to thank Scott Robinson of The for sharing this with me before he even presents it on his own website!

(August 3, 2018)










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^ Courtesy of Scott Robinson ^

^ Courtesy of Scott Robinson ^

^ Courtesy of Scott Robinson ^    v See the normal stamp below for comparison purposes. v

^ The 'Normal' Design ^


Scott #199

5¢ Medallion

Another Minor Re-entry

When I first found this stamp I thought I finally had the Retouched Re-entry, that resulted from an attempt to correct the ‘Bluenose’ re-entry. However, a close examination of the photos will show that the two horizontal blue lines in the nose do not line up with any of the lines in the actual Bluenose. This, then, must be another more minor re-entry from a different plate position.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^









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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries

[email protected]