GREAT BRITAIN TWO PENCE (2d) Blue Re-entries Imperforate
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#4 Imperf Two Pence Blue Plate Position C-E Major Re-entry This 2d shows doubling in both the upper and lower panels. This particular example appeals to me because it shows the almost random placement of the transfer roll on the plate, as seen by the misalignment of all of the other three designs around it. ^ From the RETrimble Collection ^ *2 Scott
#4 Two Pence Blue Plate , Position Re-entry Note *3 Scott # Two Pence Blue Major Misplaced Entry Plate , Position DB This is a *4 Scott # *5 Scott # *6 Scott # Scott # Scott # Scott # Scott # Scott # Scott # * Return
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E. Trimble Specialist
in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]