
Two Cents

(Various shades of orange, vermilion & rose carmine.)

The Registered Letter Stamps have been the subject of a number of studies by various specialists over the years, starting with Smythies & Smith, followed by Horace Harrison, then Harry Lussey, and finally the latest work by Harrison, George Arfken & Lussey together. All of these references include sections on re-entries on the RLSs, with the latter being the most comprehensive.

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The Two Cents Registered Letter Stamp (RLS) does not exhibit any of the more 'typical' types of re-entries (with a single exception*), but there are numerous instances of doubled end framelines and 'squeezed-looking' letters in TWO CENTS.

I recently examined a full sheet of 50 (Ex Lussey), Courtesy of Maresch & Sons, and will be adding my findings here soon.



Scott # F1

2¢ Registered

Letter Stamp

Major Re-entry*

Plate 1 Pane of 50

BABNC - Montreal

Position #40

This stamp recently came to light and is the exception to what I said above about ‘typical’ types of re-entries on the 2¢. This beauty, discovered and submitted by Harry Voss, actually shows sharp, clear doubling of the upper right ‘2,’ as well as strong doubling in the right ‘TWO CENTS,’ the bottoms of ‘RED’ of REGISTERED, ‘AMP’ of STAMP, and ‘TWO CENTS ’ on the left side. There is also a short transfer of the lower left corner element below the ‘T.’ The latter appears to be a constant feature.

This is a marvelous find and I was amazed to find a copy myself at Unipex just two days after learning of this from Harry. (See first stamp.)

Note that nothing this extensive was reported by ANY of the above-mentioned students in their published studies!

Courtesy of Harry Voss





























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^ The full sheet of 50 with Major Re-entry in pp40, 3rd stamp up from bottom right corner - Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^

^ Courtesy of R. Maresch & Son ^ From the sheet above.

^ From the RETrimble Collection ^

Full stamp - Courtesy of  Harry Voss

Doubling of upper right, including 2 and TWO  ^

The 2  ^

The above two show the right side TWO CENTS  ^

Note the doubling in the bottom of ‘RED’ of REGISTERED  ^

Doubling in and below ‘ANA’ of CANADA  ^

Doubling in and above ‘AMP’ of STAMP  ^

Doubling in ‘TW’ of TWO; also note the short transfer below the ‘T’  ^

The above two show the left side TWO CENTS  ^

All of the above close-ups are Courtesy of Harry Voss


Scott # F1

2¢ Registered

Letter Stamp

Re-entry Position #44

Re-entries on the 2¢ RLS are only found on the left or right end framelines. In the normal design, there is a single line on the left and a double line on the right.

Here, the left line is clearly and widely doubled and the top and bottom of TWO CENTS looks squeezed.


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Scott # F1

2¢ Registered

Letter Stamp

Re-entry & Short Transfer

This stamp shows a short transfer in the lower left corner, as well as a re-entry in the upper right corner. A nice combination submitted by Michael D. Smith.






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Scott #


Scott #




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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]