Half Cent



While the Large Queens Issue does not have the vast array of re-entries of the Pence and Decimal Issues that came before it, nor the Small Queens that came after, there are still a number of interesting specimens to be found. A number of years ago I was very pleased to be able to spend some time with Horace Harrison and to photograph a number of his re-entries on this issue.


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Scott # 21

Half Cent


Plate Position #1

Re-entries are very scarce on this issue. This one shows doubling of the scrollwork in the upper left corner.

This photo was taken from a mint corner block of four from the Horace Harrison collcetion.

The Horace Harrison Collection


Scott # 21

Half Cent


Plate Position #11

This re-entry was found directly below the above position in Horace Harrison's block of four. It too shows doubling of the upper left corner scrollwork, although not as strong as position #1.

The Horace Harrison Collection


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #


Scott #



Scott #



Scott #



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]