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Here are some of the interesting re-entries we have found on the

Diamond Jubilee Issue of 1897.

Only two of these are catalogued at this time.


These close-ups show the main identifying features. Many more details can be found on the stamps.



Scott #54

Five Cents

This first re-entry was first brought to my attention by Michael D. Smith, who submitted these scans showing the details of this newly discovered re-entry.




























































The second re-entry on the 5¢ was found recently by yours truly.

Above Courtesy of Michael D. Smith

Scott #56

Eight Cents

Plate Position #?

(Found in top row in a pair, both with blank selvedge.)

Re-entry marks in many letters of CANADA POSTAGE.






Scott #57i

Ten Cents

Major Re-entry

Plate Position #5

(Upper right corner of the pane of 50.)

Note the 'blob' in the 'I' shown in Unitrade's Specailized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps and here is NOT a part of the re-entry. That was a splotch of ink that I should have removed from the photo. (I have now removed it from the photos here.)


Scott #57

Ten Cents

Plate Position #3

(Under the Imprint)

Re-entry marks in 'P' of POSTAGE and right portait oval to lower right of the crown.



Scott #57

Ten Cents

Plate Position #46

Note doubling of 'CANADA.' This entire stamp has a bluriness to it, but it is not a slip print; all the other stamps around it are sharp.



Scott #57

Ten Cents

Plate Position # ?

The details of this re-entry are difficult to see as they are rather faint.


(I'll try to replace these scans soon with better ones.)

Scott #59iii

Twenty Cents

Plate Position #2

(Below 'O' of Imprint)

The heavy mark in the 'P' is the distinguishing feature here, but note also the extended lines in the portrait oval below the 'PO' as well as the right side of the crown below 'AG.'


Scott #59

Twenty Cents

A less obvious re-entry than the above, note the marks in 'POS' and below in the portrait oval, as well as the fine lines of doubling above 'TW' at the bottom.

Plate position is not known.



Scott #59

Twenty Cents

A more obvious re-entry than the above, note the marks in 'POS' and above the crown. There is also a mark on the portrait oval in front of the Queen's face.

Plate position is not known.

This newly discovered re-entry was submitted by Earl Noss.


Scott #61

One Dollar

Here is a stamp that shows what may be doubling due to re-entry, OR it may just be a slip print. The bluriness of some of the design 'doubling' seems to indicate the latter, but parts of it do look like a re-entry. It would have to be found in at least a pair with the other one normal to be sure.







































Scott #62

Two Dollars

A more subtle re-entry is found on the $2 Jubilee, showing as numerous additional dots in the lettering of CANADA POSTAGE.





Scott #63

Three Dollars

A very sharp re-entry is found on the $3 Jubilee, surprisingly unreported all these years. Very clear markings are seen in POSTA, as well as a mark in the left slant of the large central 'V.'


I discovered both the $2 & $3 Jubilee re-entries in a U.S. dealer's stock at a show here in Toronto recently. I couldn't afford to purchase them, but I DID point out the re-entries to the dealer so he would know what he had. He has since submitted them to The Greene Foundation for certificates.

It's surprising to see that such re-entries, particularly the clear one on the $3, have gone unreported for so long. I have also located unrecorded re-entries on the 6¢ and, believe it or not, the $5 Jubilee, as well as a second, different, re-entry on the $3 than the one you see here. Unfortunately, I do not have scans or photos of these latter items.



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]
Date Created: March 1, 2002.