Special Announcements
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**NOW AVAILABLE** for Map Stamp enthusiasts, the most complete, detailed, valuable resource you could ever imagine!
Ken Kershaw has partnered with Roger Boisclair to publish the fourth book on PLATING THE CANADIAN XMAS STAMP OF 1898. The latest is on the mysterious Plate 4, but all four of these MAGNIFICENT books are now available for purchase individually, or in a COMPLETE SET OF FOUR (all 460 pages) in a 1.5 inch 3-ring binder, either in glorious colour or B&W.
Click HERE for details and to see some Sample pages.
I cannot recommend this work highly enough! It is truly UNBELIEVABLE!!!
**NOTE: Roger Boisclair has very generously offered visitors to this website the same discount on the Map books offered to the 1898 Imperial Penny Postage Study Group of BNAPS members. Click HERE to download a copy of the SPECIAL Pricelist in PDF Format.
When ordering be SURE to mention you saw this at RE-ENTRIES.COM in order to get the SPECIAL price!
and a cover page for the Index HERE. (Both are in Microsoft Word format)
May 28, 2004.
It is with regret that I announce that Auxano Philatelic Services has gone out of the book-selling business. This is most unfortunate as they were THE best resource for philatelic literature in Canada. They had purchased the entire book division from Saskatoon Stamp Centre back in 2002, and also took over the distribution of BNAPS books and materials. For the time-being, Saskatoon has taken back part of their inventory and is offering sales of their material. Please go to Saskatoon's website for the listing of available items.