
Scott #25 / 26 / 40  The 5¢ Harp Seal  1865-1879

Proof Sheet

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Plate Positions 1 - 25

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There are many very interesting re-entries to be found on this lovely little stamp, many of which can be considered major.

I was extremely fortunate to be provided with a 1200dpi scan of a full Plate Proof sheet of 100, Courtesy of Tony Maresch, of R. Maresch & Son, Toronto,

and it is thanks to him that I am able to provide all 100 positions for you here. Some have re-entries and some don't, but the various guide dots and other markings should help you with the plating of your copies.

If you find these pages useful, you might drop Tony a note of thanks.

I have confirmed the positions I identify as being constant re-entries using an enlarged set of colour photocopies of a different proof sheet in my reference collection, Courtesy of Saskatoon Stamp Centre.


It appears the siderographer encountered some difficulty in the laying down of this plate. There are a number of 'typical' sharp re-entries to be found, along with one lovely misplaced entry, but there are also numerous examples that suggest either the dropping of the transfer roller onto the plate (many times), leaving some faint impressions in numerous letters, or, entries that were badly misplaced and necessitated their removal and re-entering in the proper positions, leaving remnants of the previous designs behind, showing in numerous parts of the lettering.

Of the 100 plate positions, I have identified 47 that are of interest to re-entry collectors. The other 53 may also provide guide dot information to platers.

Major Misplaced Entry
Major Re-entries
1, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 33, 34, 36, 39, 49, 51, 61. 82, 86, 90
2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 32, 54, 69, 71, 72, 78, 79, 83, 96, 98
Minor Re-entries
28, 44, 88
Possible Re-entries
29, 31, 52, 76, 77



Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #1

A Major Re-entry

The misplaced marks in the 'DL' of NEWFOUNDLAND are constant. The others, including the marks in both upper corner numeral circles, are not.





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #2


Note the markings in 'DLAND.'






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #3

Note the very large guide dot in the LR and the full imprint at the top.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #4

A Major Re-entry

Note the constant markings in 'FO' & 'NDL,' along with the very large guide dot.





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #5






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #6


Constant markings in 'LAN' and large guide dot.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #7

A Major Re-entry

Doubling in the tops of the UR 'IVE,' 'LAND,' along with a 'detached' guide dot in the LR.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #8


Constant markings in 'D AN' and full imprint at top.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #9


Doubling in the 'D,' above in the bottom of the numeral oval, and  in the scroll below the 'E' of FIVE.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #10


Doubling of the lower quarter of the right frameline.

Also a short entry of the LR corner design.





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #11


Constant markings in 'DLAND.'

Note the tip of the imprint at the lower left corner.





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #12

A Major Re-entry

Constant markings in 'DLAND.'






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #13

The Major Re-entry

This is probably the most distinctive of these misplaced marking re-entries on this plate.

Note the heavy markings in 'FOU,' along with those in 'NDL' and 'ND.'





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #14

A Major Re-entry

Another Major with heavy constant markings found in 'WFOUNDLAND.'






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #15

A Major Re-entry

Another Major, with constant marks in the 'F' of the upper left FIVE, along with the 'EW' and 'DLAND.'





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #16


Lighter markings in 'OUDL  D.'





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #17


Distinctive constant markings in 'WFO' & 'ND.'






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #18


Constant marks in 'AND.'

The marks in the 'S' of CENTS at the bottom are not constant.





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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #19








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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #20







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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #21

Note the 'detached' guide dot at the LR, and the full imprint at the left.







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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #22







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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #23

A Major Re-entry

Note the heavy distinctive markings in 'NDL' & 'D,' as well as the marks in 'ENT' at the bottom.






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #24

A Major Re-entry

Note the strong markings in 'DLAND.'






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Scott #25

5¢ Brown

Position #25

The marks seen in 'LA' are not constant.



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Ralph E. Trimble

Specialist in BNA Re-entries
[email protected]